Help building a two button fender style foot switch

Started by primaryfuzz, March 05, 2021, 02:13:53 AM

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I'm new here but I've been building pedals and footswitches for a while.  I'm currently having trouble with a what should be a simple build and I am looking for some help and suggestions. 

I was asked to build a two button footswitch for a fender 68 deluxe reissue with leds. I built the pedal and tested it on my 68 Princeton reissue and it worked perfectly.  I sent it out to the person I built it for and was told the led on the vibrato channel is opposite of what it should be on the 68 deluxe, the led is off when the channel is on but the led is working fine for his reverb channel.

Does anyone on here know if the Princeton and deluxe use a differently wired switch?  I'll attach the wiring diagram I used to build the pedal.


From what I can find, they should be the same function. Besides, it wouldn't make sense to have the effect "off" when the tip/ring is NOT shorted, because you wouldn't be able to use the effect without the pedal. 
Could be some silly mistake like is the guy using a TS cable?





Maybe the last one listed on that page?

The switching method is very simple. The Tremolo switch shorts the trem oscillator to screen/ground to stop it. The reverb switch shorts the reverb return signal to ground to silence it.
The switching couldn't be simpler, but there's one odd thing I see in the schematic. Only the reverb switch wire is shown screened. That may be just to show that only the reverb needs screening because when the switch is off, the reverb return signal is present all the way to the switch...
...or did Fender have a special cable made?


> did Fender have a special cable made?

Not even that "special". Many wire-makers made one shielded and one DC in a cable.