String Ringer Build

Started by jimothybond, May 23, 2021, 03:37:45 PM

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I bought this PCB at the start of the year and I'm finally getting around to get a shopping list together for the components.

I've built guitar pedals before but the kits have always came with the specific components required and I've never had to second guess whether the capacitors or resistors etc were the right type.
So I've kinda jumped in the deep end with this one since I have to source all the components myself.

Can anyone help me identify what I need to buy for this build, as the BOM only specifies component values.

Like, what type of resistors should I get, would 1/4 watt metal film be fine for this?

And what about the capacitors?

I can see from the board that about half of them are polarised, so I assume this would be the electrolytic type?
What about the others? I'm use to seeing the little boxed polyester caps from other pedals, would they be fine for that?

I've just used the resistors and capacitors as a starting point. I probably need a little direction for all the components to be honest.

If anyone can help at all, even just to get me started with what I need. As I said, I am new to this side of pedal building.



Check out the DIY FAQ at the top of the page. I should answer most of  your questions.

Mark Hammer

Maybe you should, Rick.  :icon_mrgreen:  But it would be less burdensome for you if he simply went to the FAQ.



Thanks for that.

Took me a lot longer to see that DIY FAQ link than I'd care to admit - although, I think I just did.

Mark Hammer

You wouldn't be the first person to have scrolled down a little too far to notice help was available, so don't feel bad.
Maybe the link to the FAQ should be larger, a different color, or boldface, or all three.  It's certainly not a burden to direct people to it, but I'm sure there is more than a hint of how-did-I-not-see-that embarrassment for those who have to be told of its existence.


I jut finished mine, needs some minor adjustments to the daughterboard and the power indicating LED doesn't light up for some reason. Chickenheads haven't arrived yet, but I'm lookin at the knob alignments and wondering lol.