Small stone manual phasing possible?

Started by Esppse, May 30, 2021, 02:11:04 AM

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Is it possible to mod the small stone to get a switch to turn off the lfo and add a pot for manual phasing control?

I have the larger box small stone.


Questo è il fiore del partigiano morto per la libertà!


Does anyone know where to start to do this mod?


Well, an exp pedal is basically jsut a foot controlled pot, one end to V+, the other to ground and the wiper to feed the voltage to the circuit, in this case to the points marked LFO... Could be as simple as feeding the voltage to those points. If not you'll have to experiment.

EDIT: Just for clarity: you connect a stereo jack to V+ (Ring) and Ground (Sleeve), and the signal goes to tip, I think.
"Displaying my ignorance for the whole world to teach".

"Taste can be acquired, like knowledge. What you find bitter, or can't understand, now, you might appreciate later. If you keep trying".


Feeding voltage to OTA Iabc pins is sure to blow them up. You need a resistor or other current limiting.

And Esppse did not say foot control, tho I suppose it make no difference.

There is really only ONE schematic for the small stone??

This is how I see it:



Thank you, I'll give that circuit addition a shot hopefully I can locate that area on the board

sergiomr706  malekko plus ultra is basically an ehx small Stone without lfo plus Big muff variant. Maybe It helps you.


Quote from: sergiomr706 on May 30, 2021, 04:36:11 PM.....Maybe It helps you.

Thank you!!