Klone - fading signal in bypass

Started by DJPsychic, December 10, 2021, 06:21:38 AM

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This isn't a personal build but I just picked up a mojopedal k1 Klone And after about 10 minutes or so, while in bypass, the signal starts to fade. I believe it is TB.

I'm powering using a Truetone Onespot PRO CS7 9v connection.

Oddly enough ive had the same issue with an Aluminum Falcon 2 while in TB mode.

Has anyone ever experienced the fading signal in bypass before with a Klone?


10 minutes consistently?

On two different pedals?

Can you rig a meter to watch the "9V" voltage? While that wart is known to be good, nobody (and no thing) is born perfect, any wall-power unit gets abuse from the line, it may be weakening with age. Or not. Watching volts may deny/confirm the guess.

(Why would the bypass type matter?)


Maybe a typo. How could a signal in true bypass fade out? It is hardwired...Of course a dodgy footswitch or solder joint might "cut out."

Now buffered bypassed might fade if something was shorted or failing. And Klons are famous for being buffered. Aluminum Falcon is another Klon clone, also with switchable buffer for bypass.

10 minutes is a long time for a cap discharge...

So first confirm that what you think is "true bypass" is continuity between in and out jack.


Quote from: idy on December 10, 2021, 03:39:57 PM
Maybe a typo. How could a signal in true bypass fade out? It is hardwired...Of course a dodgy footswitch or solder joint might "cut out."

Now buffered bypassed might fade if something was shorted or failing. And Klons are famous for being buffered. Aluminum Falcon is another Klon clone, also with switchable buffer for bypass.

10 minutes is a long time for a cap discharge...

So first confirm that what you think is "true bypass" is continuity between in and out jack.

The K1 Klone is true bypass. I know it sounds whacky.

I was switching back and forth between the K1 and another pedal, comparing tones.

After about 5-10 minutes, the K1 in bypass signal was super low.

It has also happened with the AF2.

I think I read the bypass/buffer toggle switch on the AF2 came wired backwards. So can't 100% confirm it was in TB.

It's never happened on my pedalboard before, which has been pretty consistent for years. Only with those 2 klones have I ran into this issue.


Quote from: PRR on December 10, 2021, 02:14:31 PM
10 minutes consistently?

On two different pedals?

Can you rig a meter to watch the "9V" voltage? While that wart is known to be good, nobody (and no thing) is born perfect, any wall-power unit gets abuse from the line, it may be weakening with age. Or not. Watching volts may deny/confirm the guess.

(Why would the bypass type matter?)

That's a good idea, I'll definitely try that.

And after about 10 minutes of use, the issue started.


Quote from: DJPsychic on December 10, 2021, 04:15:22 PM
I believe it is TB.
can't 100% confirm it was in TB.

Put it in bypass and disconnect the power: if the sound stops it's not TB.

TB or not TB... that is the question
Quote from: R.G. on July 31, 2018, 10:34:30 PMDoes the circuit sound better when oriented to magnetic north under a pyramid?


Confirmed it is in fact TB.

Tested pedal in/out of my pedal board signal chain. I tested with a separate power supply, and on the CS7 block.

Was finally able to recreate the issue. In bypass, no signal. I removed pedal from pedal board chain, pedal board signal good. So I know it wasn't something on board causing.

Isolated pedal, with no power - guitar > pedal > amp. No signal.

So I'm thinking bad switch.

I tested again with power and got signal, but  thinking it's still switch just intermittent. Nothing else could've caused the issue.


Quote from: DJPsychic on December 11, 2021, 09:58:24 AM
Confirmed it is in fact TB.

But your results indicate the opposite:

In bypass, no signal.
no power - No signal.
with power got signal
So do you have a clean signal when the pedal is in bypass and it's not connected to power? Yes/no/sometimes?
If never, it ain't TB. If sometimes, it's TB but check the switch indeed. If there's a switch or jumpers to select between TB and BB check those too.
Quote from: R.G. on July 31, 2018, 10:34:30 PMDoes the circuit sound better when oriented to magnetic north under a pyramid?


Yes I confirmed when pedal is unplugged I get signal. It is TB...

After a few minutes of playing and using switch a few times, I lost bypass signal, and then eventually "on" signal.

Bypass was gone powered and unpowered. Therefore it must be faulty switch. Sorry the timeline of my explanation might have been confusing.