Custom Amp Foot Switch With a Twist

Started by Tone Jones, January 07, 2022, 11:35:26 AM

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Please make one last test and bypass the other resistor as well.
in this way the two pedal are exactly the same (Koji cable apart; but that is completely independent from the rest)

Tone Jones

Quote from: intripped on January 09, 2022, 07:54:45 AM
Please make one last test and bypass the other resistor as well.
in this way the two pedal are exactly the same (Koji cable apart; but that is completely independent from the rest)
Thanks for your suggestion. Just tried with no resistors and the amp doesn't change channels at all though the LEDS light up appropriately.


can you please take a pic of the other side of those 2 little PCBs?

Tone Jones


Now I see: the LED is in series with the switch and not in parallel.
I have not time at the moment, later I'll give you some indications on how to make your pedal work.


first: try the original Suhr FtSw-pedal on the new amp and check that everything works as intended.

if all is ok, then proceed with this modification of your old FtSw-pedal (please note that this mod will make your pedal no more usable with your old amp):

- remove the 2 black single wires that go from the jack to the lower switch (and from one switch to the other);
- remove all the new wires that you've recently added. remove also the 2 resistors;

- disconnect the white wire from the jack (on the left) and solder it to the other jack, as represented in the uploaded image (leave the other end soldered to the switch);

- leave the red wire untouched;

- add two wires and connect the LEDs to the switches (see image)

now the switch should work as the original Suhr.
note: if the Koji pedal switches in the opposite way, just move the red wire (the one inside the shielded cable) as you've already done.

Tone Jones

Assuming I followed your directions properly, the amp now switches channels and the LEDs light up properly. But now the Koji doesn't turn on at all.


Yes, the pedal is wired correctly.

About the Koji cable, well, that's strange because it was working before, so I don't understand why now it doesn't.

It could be a problem in the switch: too much heat applied with the soldering iron could easily damage it, but you haven't touched pins 4 and 5 now  (pin 6 looks damaged though)
You could move the cable on pins 1 and 2, and if it works in the opposite way, on 2 and 3

Or it could be that the heat applied has melted the cable (the red insulation of the inner wire) and now the cable itself is shorted. You could test it with a multimeter.

Tone Jones

Quote from: intripped on January 11, 2022, 04:19:25 PM
Yes, the pedal is wired correctly.

About the Koji cable, well, that's strange because it was working before, so I don't understand why now it doesn't.

It could be a problem in the switch: too much heat applied with the soldering iron could easily damage it, but you haven't touched pins 4 and 5 now  (pin 6 looks damaged though)
You could move the cable on pins 1 and 2, and if it works in the opposite way, on 2 and 3

Or it could be that the heat applied has melted the cable (the red insulation of the inner wire) and now the cable itself is shorted. You could test it with a multimeter.
I'm not sure if something was touching/shorting before but I just tried it again and now it works. Perhaps as I wiggled some wires whatever was the culprit is no longer. I screwed the enclosure shut and tested it again and we're in business. I'm debating whether or not to tidy things up a bit now that the correct circuit has been determined but that is for another day.

I would like to give my sincere thanks for walking me through this. You were most generous with your time and knowledge and I appreciate it very much!


I'm happy that we eventually made it! 