DeadEndFX PLL CV In / arpeggiator

Started by ficelles, January 08, 2022, 07:33:33 AM

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I have built both the PLL ONE and PLLAIN Schumann PLL clones from DeadEndFX... both work excellently but now I'm trying to get them to work with an arpeggiator via CV In.

I'm using a Parasit Studio CV Generator / arpeggiator which I built to go with their U-235 PLL, which works as expected with the U-235 but not with the DEFX builds.

Looking at the schematics, CV In on all three PLL builds comes into pins 9 and 13 on the 4046, the difference being that on the Schumann clones the Response pot is in that area as are Looptrack and Lagtime...

So my question is, has anyone got an arpeggiator to work with the DEFX PLL ONE or PLLAIN, or even with an actual Schumann PLL?
Prog bass player. Bleep bleep.


In a way, it works a bit like an envelope detector. Depending on the settings, there may have to be some input signal to wake up the 4049. The Response pot is very interactive with controlling the input sensitivity and the arpeggiator signal output to the 4049. It's not a slam dunk affair. This should help (skip to 2:45 to get to where you're at);

Dead End FX

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