GGG Maestro Ring Mod: Wiring diagram?

Started by vizcities, February 03, 2022, 01:05:57 PM

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So: I had a friend etch the half-abandoned GGG Maestro Ring Mod project (available here: & have managed to populate it with little-to-no hassle, but wiring has been.... less frictionless, to put it mildly. Beyond the standard I/O jacks, it includes a bunch of extra jacks (carrier, oscillator, mod, pitch) of varying types (TRRS, TS, etc.), as well as a pitch range switch. According to its instructions, the extra jacks can be jumpered; however, I'm not sure where the jacks are meant to connect on the PCB, so I am a bit lost in terms of hooking things up. So far, I have divined the following:

from the schematic:

As you can see, that leaves a number of pads on the table. Has anyone made this project? Could you possibly offer a diagram or, failing that, a gut shot? Any help would be very much appreciated!


You can trace pads connection from schematics:

e.g. free pad on R17/R18 junction goes to J2 Tip where respective pad on R14/R15 junction goes to J2 Sleeve.. :icon_wink:
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


Quote from: antonis on February 03, 2022, 02:36:15 PM
You can trace pads connection from schematics:

e.g. free pad on R17/R18 junction goes to J2 Tip where respective pad on R14/R15 junction goes to J2 Sleeve.. :icon_wink:

Thanks for the answer! Yes, but that gets sticky - if I'm using those pads for the jack, how do I wire the modulation pot? Is it wired to the same jack, like an expression pedal jack? If so, could I just bypass the jack entirely and only wire the pot?

To be honest, I suspect I'm being thrown by all the extra pads on this PCB. Complicating matters, Zero the Hero/Topopiccione (the project's creator) includes the following advice:

"I suggest to build the circuit without J2, J3, J4, and J5 by putting jumpers between:

- J2/1 and J2/2
- J2/3 and J2/4
- J3/1 and J3/2
- J4/1 and J4/2
- J4/3 and J4/4"

Without a wiring diagram, I'm not sure which pads represent each of these. That said, I'll try to upload my guesses as an image file in a few hours... I'm definitely willing to do the work of figuring it out, but would love some feedback before I start wiring.


J2 should be a switched stereo jack so Modulation pot lug 1 should be wired to Ring switch, lug 2 (wiper) to GND and lug 3 to Tip switch..
(and of course, jack Sleeve should be grounded..)
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


Alright, here's what I came up with:

And the schematic again:

Again, any help re: checking my work would be beyond welcome. And if it's solid, I hope it will be useful to others who attempt to build the effect!


I'm about to start this build soon and I have also had similar questions about the wiring.  I think this is looking pretty solid overall but I feel like you are missing the modulation ON/OFF switch in the upper right section.  Someone on another thread about this build was saying something about how the output is all the way in the upper right corner...  if the mod switch is wired into the place where you currently have the out and maybe to those floating pads in the corner would that make this make sense?  I am terrible with electronics/schematics so I might be full of it.  Thanks for your work on this it is much appreciated!


Ok actually wow - disregard my comment because I was looking at the actual Maestro RM-1A schematic and not this modified GGG one without the Modulation switch.  I actually do want that switch in here so I'm going to have to modify this PCB layout I think.