Building a Spring Reverb based on Accutronics Blue Reverb AMC2BF3

Started by airvian, February 19, 2022, 02:20:32 PM

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Hello, there fellow builders and designers!
I've got my hands on an Accutronics Blue Reverb AMC2BF2 Spring-tank and plan on building a spring reverb based on it now. However, I have not yet dabbled in building reverbs, delays or any kind of modulation pedal. I have only ever built drives and fuzzes... So I have about zero hands-on knowledge concerning reverb circuits except for some Google research. To get my feet wet I looked for a schematic or a ready-made PCB of a circuit I could quickly put together and see where that takes me (this has usually been my approach to getting into a new type of pedal), however, I couldn't find anything of help. I guess reverb circuits will also be dependent on the spring tank used. I found one pedal (the Recovery Effects Endless Summer) that seems to be based on a similar spring tank (it looks the same only judging from a gutshot). The circuit looks fairly simple but I could not identify the parts. If anyone could point me in a direction I'd be grateful, be it a schematic of the pedal I found during my search, something completely different or just some tips on how to get me started. I just wanna put that little blue box to good use  ;D  :icon_biggrin:
dusting a circuit in sugar makes it sweeter


Exact science is not an exact science - Nikola Tesla in The Prestige


Quote from: Ripthorn on February 19, 2022, 07:02:03 PM
I designed this one last year. It's pretty fun.

Did you design it from scratch or was there some inspiration?
I ended up building a clone of the spaceman orion which worked out great!
dusting a circuit in sugar makes it sweeter