Aion Refractor pedal (KTR clone)

Started by Encore, March 01, 2022, 09:29:06 AM

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Am looking to see if anyone has built the Refractor pedal and experienced the low, full volume, output? when I say low I mean the pedal at full volume is much lower than when the pedal is put into bypass. If others are experiencing the same I will look at altering the circuit rather than troubleshoot. Thanks


Welcome to the Forum.

I have built clones and many threads here have dealt with refractor projects. If you are not getting gain there is an error in the build.

It is a relatively complicated build, much can go wrong. Read the trouble shooting page if you're new to that process (debugging page). First things to look at include solder bridges or cold solder joints, wrong value components. And check voltages on all ICs.

Also worth while to use search function to read the many threads of people who have had very similar problems with Klon clones.


I built 2 Refractors. The first one didn't work but I didn't bother to trouble shoot and I ended up ordering a new board and and carefully put that one together. Plenty of volume and works great so it wouldn't be a board issue. Probably a minor mistake on your part if it seems to somewhat be working. I usually double check resistor values first as that's what's usually wrong in my builds.


just what I needed to know, I did use some different values, not being patient enough to wait for Mouser (no bad to Mouser, they are great). thanks all.


Quote from: Encore on March 01, 2022, 01:12:37 PM
I did use some different values,

It depends on what particular items & values you used.. :icon_wink:

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ok, update on my findings, signal is good till input 2, IC2A. 1.6Vac @ 700Hz on left side of R16 and 5mV on right side (pin 2 ) = oh my. ended up removing each component from that junction and when C13 was taken out of circuit, bingo. the build calls for 820pF, I had a 82nF in there, back on track. thanks for inputs all.


So you had lowered C13/R20 LPF cut-off frequency from 500Hz to subsonic.. :icon_wink:
"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..