Aion fx refractor stuck at bypass

Started by dereckl, April 06, 2022, 04:52:02 PM

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this is not my first pedal and I have issues where I did exactly what the guide said to do. however, when on true bypass and buffered bypass the pedal doesn't work, the volume doesn't change anything as the gain and tone knobs do not do anything. the led light lights up and the buffered bypass dows a small drop in volume, I will include some pictures and measurements of the pedal if anyone can guide me to finding what may be the trouble


welcome to the forum.
Please clarify:
In true bypass I get....?
In true bypass mode and effect engaged I get...?
In buffered bypass I get...?
In buffered bypass mode and effect engaged I get...?

Next thing is to give us voltages for the chips. Each pin 1-8.


in true bypass, I get the same signal as having the pedal unplugged in the chain.
when the effect is activated and it is in true bypass I get no change at all to the signal as if the pedal was off but the LED lights up
in buffered bypass i get a slight almost unnoticeable volume drop.
when the effect is activated with buffered bypass I get the same result as having it off except the LED is on.


for the measures if i check them from under the socket they seem to be in the normal range while when I check them from the top they give me no signal


Tried removing the ic , there is no sound. Put them back in place the sound is back but still no gain nor volume or tone controls


Do you have a meter (mulitmeter or "volt ohm meter" =VOM)?

We ask you to put the chips in, and, power on, attach the black lead to a good ground and then probe the pins on the ICs and write those voltages down for us. Watch for the correct range on the meter (DC, 20v should be the max you will find in there, some have auto range) and watch out  for mv (millivolts) vs volts.


I have a hard time with the multimeter and some pins since they do not show a stable voltage but I will try and get a reading


Ic 1 tl072
Pin 1  4.2
Pin 2 4.2v
Pin 3 7.0v
Pin 4 1.3v
Pin 5 1.9v
Pin 5.3v
Pin 7 4.8v
Pin 8 9.3v
Ic2 tl072
Pin 1 1.3v
Pin 2 3.6v
Pin 3 4.6v
Pin 4 -4.7v
Pin 5 9.5v
Pin 6 0v
Pin 7 0v
Pin 8 0v
Ic 3
Pin 1 1v
Pin 2 0v
Pin 3 -4v
Pin 4 -3.4v
Pin 5 6.5v
Pin 6-3.2v
Pin 7 -3.2v
Pin 8-10v


Are you sure about those Pin numbers? Put the "notch" on top then count from upper left, counter clockwise?
They don't look good at all. I am starting with IC3, the 1044. Pin 1 and 8 are jumpered in the schematic and should (must) be the same.
They should read 9v.
Pin 5 should read -9v.

IC2 pin 8 should read 18v.
IC2 pin 4 should be -9v.

Hard to know where to begin....


the results shown were measured the way you explain them , idk if the sockets are an issue or if the ic are faulty


Very unlikely the sockets themselves are the problem. You could check: power off, check for continuity between the legs of the IC and the solder on the PCB, maybe on the back of the board.
Bad chips also very rare, although they can be cooked by high voltage...

your charge pump is not producing what it should. Those numbers can't be right. Pins 1 and 8 are jumpered. Power off, you should see continuity there. How can one be 1v and the other -10v?


there is no continuity between the pin 1 and 8 and i get rating of 0v a lot while measuring the pins


would you be so kind as to post a photo of your meter as you are using it?
" I will say no more "


To measure continuity you turn the power off, so yes you would see 0 volts on all pins. Then you use either:
continuity mode, often a picture of a diode on the meter, often beeps when the probes are connected,
or if you don't have that mode you use a low ohm setting, on my meter it would be 200 ohms. Continuity would be close to zero ohms.


This is a reading of the pin 1 on ic 1


This is a pretty complicated circuit to learn debugging on. It can be done, there are lots of threads about this circuit here, but because it is complex, they tend to go on and on.

When you are ready for some reading visit:

Most of us did. We don't (but should) give you a quiz before jumping in and giving advice.
Can you read a schematic (at least a bit)?
Are you comfortable with a multi-meter? Know how to measure at least volts, ohms, continuity?
Do you know how to read the numerical codes on capacitors?
Color codes on resistors (you don't have to with those red ones!) and did you test them to be sure they match what you need? (Again, you are Ok here probably...)
This could go on and on... or you could start the browse through the debugging page.


Pin 1 of ic 1 has no continuity with pin 8. I get a continuity for ic2 and ic3


I have studied electronic engineering for a year , I'm comfortable doing it up to a certain point but I will look at the link


The photo shows the meter on voltage setting, reading .5mv, almost zero. OK, you also have a continuity setting, next one over, picture of diode, ohm symbol, symbol for sound. That's how you check for continuity.

What do you mean continuity with the other ICs? which pins? Make sure you are measuring what you think you are...