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Starting to use SpinCAD again

Started by Digital Larry, June 18, 2022, 10:32:40 AM

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Digital Larry

Here's a stab at a "Mary Halvorson" patch.  The delay time glitches are not quite as abrupt as I had hoped, well it's just a start.

; mary-halvorson-01.spcd
; Patch saved from SpinCAD Designer version 1023
; Pot 0: Delay time ramp LFO speed
; Pot 1:  Delay feedback ramp LFO speed
; Pot 2: Delay level
; ----------------------------
;------ Input
;------ Pot 2
;------ Pot 0
;------ Scale/Offset
RDAX POT2,1.0000000000
SOF 0.8500000000,0.1500000000
WRAX REG0,0.0000000000
;------ Scale/Offset
RDAX POT0,1.0000000000
SOF 0.9300000000,0.0700000000
WRAX REG1,0.0000000000
;------ Feedback Output
;------ Ramp LFO 0
WLDR 0, -87, 4096
RDAX REG1,-0.0026551103
WRAX RMP0_RATE,0.0000000000
WRAX REG3,0.0000000000
;------ Gain Boost
RDAX REG3,1.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
WRAX REG4,0.0000000000
;------ Pot 1
;------ Scale/Offset
RDAX POT1,1.0000000000
SOF 0.9500000000,0.0500000000
WRAX REG5,0.0000000000
;------ Ramp LFO 1
WLDR 1, 1983, 4096
RDAX REG5,0.0605182043
WRAX RMP1_RATE,0.0000000000
WRAX REG6,0.0000000000
;------ Gain Boost
RDAX REG6,1.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
WRAX REG7,0.0000000000
;------ ThreeTap
RDAX REG2,1.0000000000
RDAX ADCL,1.0000000000
WRA 0,0.0
OR $007FFF00
SOF 0.4592285156,0.0242004395
WRAX ADDR_PTR,0.0000000000
RMPA 1.0
WRAX REG8,0.0000000000
OR $007FFF00
SOF 0.3439621582,0.0181337891
WRAX ADDR_PTR,0.0000000000
RMPA 1.0
WRAX REG9,0.0000000000
;------ Mixer 2:1
RDAX ADCL,1.0000000000
WRAX REG10,0.0000000000
RDAX REG8,1.0000000000
RDAX REG10,1.0000000000
WRAX REG10,0.0000000000
;------ LPF 1P
RDAX REG9,1.0000000000
RDFX REG12,0.1500000000
WRAX REG12,0.0000000000
;------ Output
RDAX REG10,1.0000000000
WRAX DACL,0.0000000000
RDAX REG10,1.0000000000
WRAX DACR,0.0000000000
;------ HPF 1P
RDAX REG12,1.0000000000
RDFX REG14,0.0306192555
WRAX REG14,-1.0000000000
RDAX REG12,1.0000000000
WRAX REG13,0.0000000000
;------ Chirp
RDAX REG13,1.0000000000
RDA 15855,-0.49
WRAP 15841,0.49
RDA 15870,-0.49
WRAP 15856,0.49
RDA 15885,-0.49
WRAP 15871,0.49
RDA 15900,-0.49
WRAP 15886,0.49
RDA 15915,-0.49
WRAP 15901,0.49
RDA 15930,-0.49
WRAP 15916,0.49
RDA 15945,-0.49
WRAP 15931,0.49
RDA 15960,-0.49
WRAP 15946,0.49
RDA 15975,-0.49
WRAP 15961,0.49
RDA 15990,-0.49
WRAP 15976,0.49
RDA 16005,-0.49
WRAP 15991,0.49
RDA 16020,-0.49
WRAP 16006,0.49
RDA 16035,-0.49
WRAP 16021,0.49
RDA 16050,-0.49
WRAP 16036,0.49
RDA 16065,-0.49
WRAP 16051,0.49
RDA 16080,-0.49
WRAP 16066,0.49
RDA 16095,-0.49
WRAP 16081,0.49
RDA 16110,-0.49
WRAP 16096,0.49
RDA 16125,-0.49
WRAP 16111,0.49
RDA 16140,-0.49
WRAP 16126,0.49
WRAX REG15,0.0000000000
;------ FB In 1
RDAX REG15,-1.2000000000
WRAX REG2,0.0000000000
Digital Larry
Want to quickly design your own effects patches for the Spin FV-1 DSP chip?

Digital Larry

Here's another even weirder Mary Halvorson inspired patch.  The secret was to add a smoother on the ramp that is controlling the delay time, which gives the pitch bend that you would naturally get when wiggling parameters with pedals.  AFAIK Mary H. uses a Line6 DL4 with one or two expression pedals.

; Mary Halvorson #2
; Patch saved from SpinCAD Designer version 1029
; Pot 0: Delay time ramp LFO speed
; Pot 1: Delay feedback LFO speed
; Pot 2: wet/dry crossfade
; ----------------------------
;------ Input
;------ Pot 2
;------ Pot 0
;------ Scale/Offset
RDAX POT0,1.0000000000
SOF 0.9300000000,0.0700000000
WRAX REG0,0.0000000000
;------ Feedback Output
;------ Ramp LFO 0
WLDR 0, -87, 4096
RDAX REG0,-0.0026551103
WRAX RMP0_RATE,0.0000000000
WRAX REG2,0.0000000000
;------ Gain Boost
RDAX REG2,1.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -1.0000000000,0.0000000000
WRAX REG3,0.0000000000
;------ Pot 1
;------ Scale/Offset
RDAX POT1,1.0000000000
SOF 0.9500000000,0.0500000000
WRAX REG4,0.0000000000
;------ Ramp LFO 1
WLDR 1, 1983, 4096
RDAX REG4,0.0605182043
WRAX RMP1_RATE,0.0000000000
WRAX REG5,0.0000000000
;------ Gain Boost
RDAX REG5,1.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
WRAX REG6,0.0000000000
;------ Smoother
RDAX REG3,1.0000000000
RDFX REG7,0.0010292156
WRAX REG7,0.0000000000
;------ Smoother
RDAX REG3,1.0000000000
RDFX REG8,0.0003181712
WRAX REG8,0.0000000000
;------ ThreeTap
RDAX REG1,1.0000000000
RDAX ADCL,1.0000000000
WRA 0,0.0
OR $007FFF00
SOF 0.6016357422,0.0316955566
WRAX ADDR_PTR,0.0000000000
RMPA 1.0
WRAX REG9,0.0000000000
OR $007FFF00
SOF 0.4506251709,0.0237476318
WRAX ADDR_PTR,0.0000000000
RMPA 1.0
WRAX REG10,0.0000000000
;------ LPF 1P
RDAX REG10,1.0000000000
RDFX REG12,0.1744847965
WRAX REG12,0.0000000000
;------ HPF 1P
RDAX REG12,1.0000000000
RDFX REG14,0.0439547406
WRAX REG14,-1.0000000000
RDAX REG12,1.0000000000
WRAX REG13,0.0000000000
;------ Chirp
RDAX REG13,1.0000000000
RDA 20767,-0.49
WRAP 20753,0.49
RDA 20782,-0.49
WRAP 20768,0.49
RDA 20797,-0.49
WRAP 20783,0.49
RDA 20812,-0.49
WRAP 20798,0.49
RDA 20827,-0.49
WRAP 20813,0.49
RDA 20842,-0.49
WRAP 20828,0.49
RDA 20857,-0.49
WRAP 20843,0.49
RDA 20872,-0.49
WRAP 20858,0.49
RDA 20887,-0.49
WRAP 20873,0.49
RDA 20902,-0.49
WRAP 20888,0.49
RDA 20917,-0.49
WRAP 20903,0.49
RDA 20932,-0.49
WRAP 20918,0.49
RDA 20947,-0.49
WRAP 20933,0.49
RDA 20962,-0.49
WRAP 20948,0.49
RDA 20977,-0.49
WRAP 20963,0.49
RDA 20992,-0.49
WRAP 20978,0.49
RDA 21007,-0.49
WRAP 20993,0.49
RDA 21022,-0.49
WRAP 21008,0.49
RDA 21037,-0.49
WRAP 21023,0.49
RDA 21052,-0.49
WRAP 21038,0.49
WRAX REG15,0.0000000000
;------ Crossfade 2
RDAX POT2,-1.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
WRAX REG17,0.0000000000
RDAX POT2,1.0000000000
SOF 1.0000000000,-1.0000000000
SOF -2.0000000000,0.0000000000
RDAX REG17,1.0000000000
WRAX REG16,0.0000000000
;------ FB In 1
RDAX REG15,-1.2000000000
WRAX REG1,0.0000000000
;------ Output
RDAX REG16,1.0000000000
WRAX DACL,0.0000000000
RDAX REG16,1.0000000000
WRAX DACR,0.0000000000

Digital Larry
Want to quickly design your own effects patches for the Spin FV-1 DSP chip?


Quote from: Digital Larry on June 26, 2022, 08:10:56 PM
OK, here's what I call an "oil-can delay".

The idea is that it's a modulated delay line added to a longer delay line and the period of the LFO matches some multiple of the delay time.  So as feedback comes around then the pitch wobble of the feedback signal is in phase with the next one coming in.  OR IS IT!??!?!?!!  I also put a limiter in the feedback loop which is another trick to allow high levels of feedback without it just blasting into total distorted mush.  I also put an overdrive in front of the delay line, but not inside the feedback loop.  WHICH ISN"T REALISTIC!!!!  So sue me!

Is this the one you posted a couple of years ago? I liked it so much I put it in my live pedal with my previous band.
The delay has an 'evil' sounding detune to it which fitted the old school HM2 death metal vibe really well!

Digital Larry

Quote from: pruttelherrie on June 28, 2022, 02:08:18 PM
Is this the one you posted a couple of years ago? I liked it so much I put it in my live pedal with my previous band.
The delay has an 'evil' sounding detune to it which fitted the old school HM2 death metal vibe really well!
No, I made this one up fresh.  It includes some new ideas about synchronizing the LFO speed with the delay time.  I don't know if it is really properly synchronized or not, I guess I could check.  Sounds cool anyway!

Glad you liked the other one!

Digital Larry
Want to quickly design your own effects patches for the Spin FV-1 DSP chip?

Digital Larry

Hi kids, this being the age of the internet and all, I've set up a Patreon page for SpinCAD Designer.  I'll continue to post here but I'll be posting more stuff over there too.  I also figured out how to capture SpinCAD's audio output along with my voice into OBS Studio, which will be a big time saver as regards making video tutorials.

See below:


Digital Larry
Want to quickly design your own effects patches for the Spin FV-1 DSP chip?


Looking forward to going through some of your tips and tutorials soon. SpinCAD has been a huge help for me in learning the FV-1 and spinasm. Subscribed! And I'll be sure to share that link with anyone who might benefit from it in the future.


Digital Larry - I see that your version of SPinCAD Designer is 1029, but only 1027 is available (that I can see) at GitHub. Will 1029 become publicly available?
Cybercow (moo)
Don't let your talent take you where your character cannot keep you.

Digital Larry

Quote from: Cybercow on July 11, 2022, 08:12:33 PM
Digital Larry - I see that your version of SPinCAD Designer is 1029, but only 1027 is available (that I can see) at GitHub. Will 1029 become publicly available?
I started making some changes somewhat randomly.  I thought I'd put enough in it to make it worth a release.  What's going to be included keeps getting smaller and smaller, but the answer is yes.  Thanks you for your interest.

Digital Larry
Want to quickly design your own effects patches for the Spin FV-1 DSP chip?