Newbie first build mistake, Aion kit - step one, failed

Started by dannymfntanner, July 03, 2023, 11:38:38 AM

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( long-lost-but-recently-rediscovered baggie of BS170s has been thanked for its service. :icon_mrgreen:)

On the subject at hand, I take a middle way approach: definitely do as good sir Duck says above and check those resistors (visually, with a multimeter, however and whichever way) before desoldering any of them. I also do not know the odds, but I'm nevertheless willing to put up decent money that one or more of those resistors are accidentally in the right place ("...on purpose, for spite"). But if you do want to practise safe removal of components and save the others, it IS a skill set that will most likely serve you well in the days ahead, so it might be worth a try.
"When a man assumes, he makes an ass out of some part of you and me."


Quote from: pacealot on July 05, 2023, 09:50:38 AM
Quote from: antonis on July 04, 2023, 08:29:20 AM
And now that you're weathly man you do use MosFets as small-signal resistors, don't you..??  :icon_biggrin:

...or as clipping diodes?  8) (ducks for cover, runs away)

Good advice. Here's what I did. I ordered 10 of every resistor in this kit from Tayda. I have a multimeter coming from Amazon. I opted not to replace the board as everyone here recommended. Next step is learn about the resistance indicators on these banded resistors. The mug pic above helped haha.

Lots of good advice. I'll check my work and not undo anything that's correct.

Thanks again!


Quote from: dannymfntanner on July 05, 2023, 01:21:26 PM
I have a multimeter coming from Amazon.

In case of your board is resistor populated only, you are lucky 'cause there isn't any resistors series/parallel combination so you can measure them individually..

In case of caps populated, you could do the same but wait for measurement stabilizing..
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