Started by aron, September 20, 2023, 08:15:36 PM

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Quote from: stallik on October 12, 2023, 02:39:51 PMSeems to me that the search function chooses where to search depending on where you are in the forum.

Looks that way.

Everybody! Bookmark the SMF Help page for v2.1
{There's more for owners and mods, but "Regular User" has most of what most members want to know.}

"Simple Search
"The simple search field located at the top of the default SMF theme will, when viewing topics, filter search results to just that topic. The same applies to boards as well - when viewing a board the simple search field will filter the search to just results in that particular board."


Pls find "Pin 15" or "delay in"
(As it pertains to Rebote)
This is the age of Video Game Induced illiteracy


"pin" is tricky because it is such a small/part word, so you get stopping as well. "15" is also not much good, because everything has 15 in it. I tried "pin 15", and got NO returns containing pin 15.

if you use the search at the page top, next to home and calendar, the bottom of the page has a checkbox, for

QuoteChoose boards to search in, or search all
"Bring on the nonsense".


I think it's because the Fulltext index hasn't finished. The forum is so large that it will probably take a long time.


I take it back, apparently it finished.
The search is crappy. It cannot find something like "delay in" or "pin 15".
It's seems to be unable to search a literal string.
Will check on it.


Simple Search
The simple search field located at the top of the default SMF theme will, when viewing topics, filter search results to just that topic. The same applies to boards as well - when viewing a board the simple search field will filter the search to just results in that particular board.
While you can just type and search for any combination of characters, you should consider using modifiers to make the search really work for you.
The search tool searches the entire forum for any or all of what you specify that has been posted during the last 9999 days (which is more than 27 years)! To take more control of your search, you should use the advanced search feature.
Advanced Search
Although the advanced search screen might initially seem a little intimidating if a forum has many boards and child boards, it is surprisingly straightforward when reduced to its basic components.
  • Despite initial appearances, there are really three options for how to search, with Match all words and Match any words being available from the drop-down menu, and Match as phrase also an option.
  • The default * in the By user field is essentially a wildcard matching any poster. Please note that, while you can replace this with any single username for a more specific search, it is not possible to search for posts by multiple users.
  • Show results as messages returns the full message containing the search string (with a reply option) instead of the usual linked excerpt, but will naturally result in much larger results pages which might be significant if you are searching for a popular word or phrase.
  • Message age sets the minimum and maximum ages of posts to search.
  • Choose a board to search in provides you with another tool to narrow the scope of the search, with the default being 'all' (the whole forum or, more properly, all the boards to which you have read access). To search by board you need to expand the list of boards by clicking on Choose a board to search in, or search all and select which boards to search in and check the correct box.
  • The Search button not surprisingly sets the whole thing in motion, but pressing 'Enter' direct from any of the search fields is sometimes more convenient.
Using the simple or advanced search methods, you can still use search modifiers. These are powerful special characters which modify the way in which SMF handles your search string.
  • Phrase search - use double quotes (") around your term ("search term") to search for the search term as a phrase instead of individual words.
  • Excluding terms - use a minus sign in front of terms you would like to exclude from the search result. For instance, "search -term" will search for "search" but not "term". The minus sign must have a space prior to it.


I have not had the phrase search work for me.

hmmmm now it works "small stone" etc....


"pin 15" no results
"pin*15" results

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Where is the message that has "pin 15"?
I tried others like "pin 4" and it accurately found those.


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Do you have the link to that message?


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


Hum, yes I see the latest finds. I believe I posted a pin 15 question when I was building a rebote a few years back. Another user had the same question. Apparently I am mistaken.  Thanks
Getting old I guess, no I don't need to guess.
This is the age of Video Game Induced illiteracy


I got the search function to work finally, so it is no longer a problem.  Thanks, Aron!

I am having trouble on the Sound of the Day thread where any videos from before the changeover have a box saying:

"An error occurred.  Please try again later."  Then it gives you a playback ID number.  Is there something I can do to view these videos?  I am running Windows 10 if that makes any difference.  It doesn't look like a YouTube ID number, but I might be wrong about that.


Quote from: amptramp on October 14, 2023, 08:48:04 AMI am having trouble on the Sound of the Day thread where any videos from before the changeover have a box saying:
"An error occurred.  Please try again later."  Then it gives you a playback ID number.

Yes. Fer example: https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?msg=1264651

Quote from: amptramp on October 14, 2023, 08:48:04 AMIs there something I can do to view these videos?

Hit Quote. Copy the bare-naked YouTube URL. Highlight/Open it in New Tab/Window and it works fine.

That's Win7 but I don't think it is a fenestration issue. The New forum has new {YOUTUBE} tags, and I think they do more processing which I can not see.

Lets try hiding the nature of the link:
Watch this!

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HW0z86SVkc]Watch this![/url]
Works here.

Of course unless this is a Known Problem with a Canned Solution, we can't go back and patch-up the thousands of old TOOBE links on the board.


the old tags kept the https://ewetoob.com/rubbish part, wereas the new tags strip the URL-ing part, leave just a number. see in sound of the day, I quoted a non-working and stripped the http, now it shows same as the Sheveton link.
"Bring on the nonsense".


Spelling ??
Search for shim, search for shims
Search for Rebot, search for Rebote.

See if it finds this post.

Maybe the server is still indexing ?

This is the age of Video Game Induced illiteracy


Found all of those just using the quick search for this thread. Rebote gave me a single result and, from that result page, I repeated the search wondering if it would search the original thread or the results page.

It appears that it searched the whole forum. Perhaps this thread was somewhere in those results but there were too many pages to wade through
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein


The original plugin is no longer supported for YouTube. I put in another which is supposed to work but it doesn't.


In search change 9999 to 1111 helps.
Unless you want older results
This is the age of Video Game Induced illiteracy