Introducing ImageToPCB

Started by jordileft, May 16, 2024, 02:12:15 PM

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This is Jordi, I'm the developer of ImageToPCB. I wanted to introduce the software as it might be of interest to the community, as I'm also a guitar player and DIY aficionado and the idea of developing ImageToPCB came when trying to get some PCBs manufactured for some DIY pedal projects in an easy way.

ImageToPcb makes it easy to convert any image to gerber and excellon drill files, ready to send to a PCB manufacturer without having to spend long hours etching and drilling at home, or learning to use complicated CAD software, schematics, layout design,...

Additionally, it expands the potential of your design or image, as it unlocks the possibility to easily make improvements and updating your design, as you will be able to make design modifications, add a silkscreen layer, resize drill diameters, create a soldermask layer to protect copper areas and to avoid accidental shorts, convert a single-side design into a double-side or multi-layer design, add and remove connections,... all that just by editing your image or creating additional ones from your base image with your preferred image editor.

If you want to know more about it, you can check out the website . Also, you have an additional video combining ImageToPCB with DIY Layout Creator in this post in the commercial section.

I hope you find it useful!

Jordi Esquerra