Echo Base 1590BB drilling, need sanity check

Started by tootsMcgee, May 30, 2024, 09:39:28 PM

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A reddit user named u/rabbiabe posted some awesome SVG templates for making a drill pattern so I thought I would make my own attempt based on it for my Echo Base project.

I need a sanity check--does this look roughly correct for a landscape layout? Dotted rectangle is the board. My plan is to hang the pots beneath it with plastic caps to protect against shorts. The black line should be 16mm and the red line is the 4mm from the center of the Echo Base PCB holes to the edge of the board.

Any suggestions would be lovely. I don't have any open frame jacks, just the usual black plastic ones. I plan to have a footswitch for the LFO and one for the bypass. Tails will probably hardwired "on" but I put the switch in there just in case I decide to be able to toggle it in the future.

I haven't decided if I'm going to try it but it would also be neat to make one of the LEDs light up in time with the LFO.


Take two. I moved the board down a tiny bit to make room for the power jack sticking into the case a little bit, and also the PCB is juuust wide enough to hang up on the rounded corners on the inside of the enclosure.

I settled on .385" from bottom of enclosure SANS BOTTOM because that's what I'm used to with Aion FX projects. I notice that this template seems to include the entire case including the bottom with the solid outer boundaries, but the blue label "safe area" stops at the bottom edge of the enclosure where the lid starts, so that works out OK if you measure from there.

Everything seems fine but I'll wait another few hours to let it steep a bit in my head before drilling.


Everything ended up fitting nicely; I probably could've scooted the power jack to the left or right to get around individual components on the PCB and then moved the PCB back slightly, but it all worked out!