JMK paralizer issue

Started by Sophia2001, July 11, 2024, 09:33:31 AM

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Just a note to say that the "disappearing replies" problem seems to have reappearred. I've submitted a couple of replies on this thread that never made it, despite apparently working at the time of submission.

Nothing that anyone else hasn't highlighted already, so no biggie, but the disappearing posts have been an issue in the past, and it hadn't happened for a while (at least to me), so I thought I'd mention it.

Matthew Sanford

Ever since first mention I've been a rabid double checker, and have had to rewrite a couple...though probably better thought out the second time!
"The only knowledge is knowing you know nothing" - that Sew Crates guy

Controlled Chaos Fx


Quote from: Sophia2001 on July 15, 2024, 06:58:09 AMMy knowledge is limited so this still raises some questions for me:
1) Why is this not a solution like Matthew and Kristal mention? In other words what is not good/neat about this solution?
2) Have I made the connection to S1 in the right place?

1)The most obvious problem you will run into is that you won't be able to have it anywhere in your setup up other than right after the guitar. Your problem with the woolly mammoth will pop back up any time you put a buffered pedal in front of it. It's because these fuzz face type circuits depend on having a very low input impedance and loading up the guitar's pickups. There are different ways people deal with this problem, mostly adding a pot at the fuzz's input (EQD Dirt Transmitter) or using a pickup simulator (like Jack Orman's for instance : amz pickup sim)
Another thing, and i'm not 100% about this, but i expect it's also destroying ic2_B's input impedance what with it being in parallel, so now the Big Muff has the same problem as the Woolly Mammoth.

2) Your switch is fine.

Take all this with a pinch of salt, i've no education on this subject, i'm merely a tinkerer.

Also, congrats on making a thing that is going to be heavy as hell.


"I'm getting older while being taught all the time" Solon the Athenian..
"I don't mind  being taught all the time but I do mind a lot getting old" Antonis the Thessalonian..


I'd guess it was put there as a pull down resistor, but you are right, it is not needed, as the pot fulfills that job already.
This pot solution would still require a buffer for the fuzz face not to interfere with the Big Muff side of things.

Mark Hammer

It has happened to me more than once or twice that the rivet, which holds the solder lug and that end of the resistive strip in place, is not tight enough.  A decent pinch with needle nose pliers and everything starts working again.  If you paid more than $4 for your pot, that's probably not the issue.  But if it's an "economy" Alpha type, consider giving it a squeeze.  I find that one needs to pry up the tabs and remove the back of the pot to get in there properly with the pliers.  Don't press too hard, or risk breaking the pot, but a firm squeeze may do the trick.  Of course, put the back of the pot on again.


An informative post to be sure, but might you have gotten the wrong thread there Mr Hammer?