Stackable testing and prototyping rig

Started by mark2, August 05, 2024, 11:49:51 AM

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I don't normally post commercial products, and I can delete this if it's in poor taste, but I've been really loving this thing and think it may be interesting and useful to folks here.

After many iterations of variations on the classic "Beavis board" over the years: with and without breadboards attached, in altoids tins, in pedal boxes, in cigar boxes with built-in speakers and tone gens, etc... this one beats them all hands-down in every way except cost.

It's a small footprint, bottom-heavy, stackable tower of PCBs. The base kit includes all the basics: input, output, DC jack, battery, probe, bypass.

It has "ports" on the bottom for male breadboard pins to access FX IN/OUT, power, etc. I can use male-male, male-female, male-alligator, male-male to 2.1mm barrel for connectors. I'm sure more options are readily available but those have covered all the bases so far.

It also has add-on layers with a ruby amp and speaker, as well as a tone generator and sample player.

I made up some blank layers, too, and included 11 unused "custom" pin headers so you can customize it to do whatever you want. e.g. a good next add-on would be a power board that turns the 9V into 18, 5V, and 3V3.

I can share more links and details if anyone's interested, of course, but for now I figured even the general concept might be interesting and worth sharing.