Echo Blue Delay thinks it's an octaver

Started by FootSolder, September 11, 2024, 11:22:00 AM

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Quote from: FootSolder on September 14, 2024, 05:05:05 PMInfinity, my meter just reads "1  ."
Ok, on the face of it, that looks about right to me. All the paths to ground are blocked by caps on both those pins, so a measurable resistance would indicate a short somewhere. That's not what you've got so that's good.


hmmmm. and the resistance between pin 12 and 13, and between pin 13 and 14?
"Bring on the nonsense".



Quote from: duck_arse on September 15, 2024, 11:00:41 AMhmmmm. and the resistance between pin 12 and 13, and between pin 13 and 14?

Quote from: FootSolder on September 15, 2024, 12:03:10 PMSame, both pairs show 1/infinity

no sir, can't be. follow on the circuit dia, pin 12 > R5 > R13 > pin 13
pin 13 > R13 > R14 > pin 14

and for shits and giggles, as they say, also measure resistance from pin 12 to pin 14, if you would be so kind and the answer can't be inf.

I so dislike those fuzzdog circuit diagrams - it's the value of the parts is of interest on a circuit diagram. but don't let that stop you from putting both, designator and value. how hard can that be?
"Bring on the nonsense".


Yes, lack of values makes everything more difficult, I agree!

Measuring from Pin 12, R5 is 10K, R13 is INF
Measuring from Pin 13, R13 is 10K, R14 is INF

Pin 12 to Pin 14 measures 29.7K


R13 is inf, then it is 10k and R14 is inf? something screwy somewhere.

did you fit any INF resistors, or did the all have banded values?
"Bring on the nonsense".


Regular banded resistors and I checked the values


Quote from: FootSolder on September 16, 2024, 11:59:48 AMYes, lack of values makes everything more difficult, I agree!

Measuring from Pin 12, R5 is 10K, R13 is INF
Measuring from Pin 13, R13 is 10K, R14 is INF

Pin 12 to Pin 14 measures 29.7K

Doesn't this rather imply some bad joints somewhere around here? We're expecting to see the known resistor values, but we're getting open-circuit readings. That implies things that are supposed to be connected actually aren't - a bad joint.

I'd get the solder sucker out, remove the old solder and re-do the joints with fresh. Then see what happens.


YES!! It was a barely broken trace between R13 and R5, patched it up and the echos flew out!

Thank you for helping me focus on that small area and I'm very grateful for the suggestions you both made. Very happy to have cured this one :)


Quote from: FootSolder on September 16, 2024, 02:26:59 PMYES!! It was a barely broken trace between R13 and R5, patched it up and the echos flew out!

Hey, that's excellent news! Nice work, and well spotted!

Enjoy it now it's running. :)