MAdbean Rabbit Hole Help !

Started by pedalbob, Yesterday at 12:41:40 PM

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Hi All-

Built a Madbean Rabbit Hole (small 1590A build of a Big Muff Circuit) and getting absolutely nothing when I engage effect. Built with 2N5088 transistors and to the Creamy Dreamer spec (as listed in build document) which replaces the resistors to ground off the emitters with jumpers and tweaks a few of the cap values like most bigg muff mods.
I've attached pictures of front and back from a few days ago. I've since reflowed all joints and replaced a bunch of components with no change.
Issues I've identified so far :

With Signal Probe I get good signal coming through 1st resistor and then it drops in half (loudness) coming out of downstrean leg of resistor and goes to zero sound coming out of the capacitor after the resistor (i.e the signal never gets to the 1st transistor Q1).  I've replaced the resistor, capacitor and Q1 with no change.

Measured voltages at Q2 and Q3 look healthy (about 4 volts at collectors and lower at emitter and base and match the build document and my stock OEM EHX Big Muff).  Voltage at collector of Q1 is twice as high as it should be (about 8.5 volts) and nothing at emitter.  Voltage at Q4 collector is lower than it should be (about 1.5 volts).  Tracing the Power coming in looks fine until it hits R6 (connected to Q1 collector) but upstream of R6 looks fine (coming from resistor that goes to Q2 collector R12).

Voltages at the 4 clipping diodes looks fine.  Voltage at the electrolytic cap C14 fine. Voltage on the 3 pots looks consistent with my EHX muff.

I'm Not great at circuit analysis but seams to me the high Voltage at Q1 is my issue I just can't figure out what is causing it.

Any thouhts from you big muff experts



Quote from: pedalbob on Yesterday at 12:41:40 PM...voltages at Q2 and Q3 look healthy.....  Voltage at collector of Q1 is....

Which schematic are you using? This one?

I bet Base of Q1 is shorted to ground. Q1 turns off, collector goes way high. Can you find base of Q1?

In the pictures, IMHO the solder is too generous. More solder is NOT better. I would try to remove all but a trace.