Clipping Diode arrangement

Started by FootSolder, Today at 10:11:23 AM

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I'm trying to figure out the optimal arrangment for some clipping diodes in a TSDX build. I want to include 2 1N34As but try to increase the output by adding 2 BAT41s.

If I were to have the two pairs in parallel would it be (signal left to right):

1N34A -> 1n34A
BAT41 <- BAT41


1N34A -> BAT41
BAT41 <- 1N34A


BAT41 -> 1N34A
1N34A <- BAT41

Or is that all stupid and I should just use 4 of one type? I'm not clear on the effect of the different forward voltages. Any advice would be appreciated, TIA!


The order of two diodes in series does not matter. Your second and third versions are the same.
The first version creates assymetrical clipping if the diodes you are choosing have different Vf. But BAT41 is a low voltage schotky and close to the value of the Ge diodes. So your three configs should sound very similar.

You need to try this out by ear.
Some will tell you that only the value of the voltages matter, others hear a difference between silicon, ge, schotky, LED, MOSFET, JFET, etc.

If you want the "sound" of ge but higher output you would stack two or three ge in series in both directions.

Assymetrical is one of the best experiments you can try with clippers. Try two or three in one direction, a single in the other.


Thank you, that was a great help!