Neovibe PCB dimensions needed for checking

Started by pedro, November 16, 2003, 08:29:10 AM

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Hi all,

Im building a vibe clone using the "neovibe" layout.
But my board is too small to accomodate the LDR unit as per the pdf file I downloaded.  a 35mm film canister wil no-way fit the board without fouling other components.

Can anyone confirm the coirrect dimensions for the board and also if poss tell me how to print to correct scale easily - the pdf file without print to scale doesnt seem to be the right dimensions to me ??

Please help - I really want to build this thing soon.



Bought mine from GGG and have not started to build it yet.

Dimentions are  103mm * 65mm measured from the outer edges of the earth tracks.


Many thanks indeed - this has put me back on track
Ive just re-printed my layout onto transparencies for iron-on.

Pity I wasted so much time on a too-small board - I should have posted before ! Live and learn I guess.....

Really appreciate the help onto building the 'vibe....
