Any UK builders want diecast aluminium enclosures?

Started by amckinley100, November 25, 2003, 08:34:44 PM

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Hi all - in the never ending quest for inexpensive but durable enclosures, i have been browsing the internet, and in general, prices are cut if you order a large quantity of a given item.

I'm just wondering if there's anyone who would want to go in on an order with me - the item i am intending to order is:

Eddystone diecast enclosure 29830PSLA
Dimensions 120mmx95mmx38mm (external.  Essentially the same as the hammond 1590BB)

The price for this is £4.02 per unit provided I order more than 20 boxes.  I'd have to add on delivery to your address also.  Are there any takers?  Let me know and i'll PM you more details

Cheers guys - together we keep this hobby cheaper!

(PS, for comparison, the 1590BB is 119mmX94mmX30mm, so there is slightly more room in the eddystone case, plus the hammond costs £5.66 when ordering more than 20 boxes!)

Oh, and the prices include the VAT...:(  unless anyone has a way to get round this ;)
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy..."


I'll take that as a "no" then..... :(

It's still not too late, but i'd be looking to place an order sometime next week.


"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy..."

Thomas P.

How much is 4pounds in €? About 1.5?

My supplier ( sells both eddy's and hammonds for about 5-7€.
god said...
∇ ⋅ D = ρ
∇ x E = - ∂B/∂t
∇ ⋅ B = 0
∇ x H = ∂D/∂t + j
...and then there was light


Sorry but I've got a pile!  I'm thinking of going over to plastic for my own stuff too.  Out of interest who's the supplier, ESR?
"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter


Two questions to answer!

£4 is about EUR6.50...

The supplier is Farnell they seem to have a lot of good stuff - and it appears that the quoted price includes delivery by UPS - i've ordered hammond boxes from them before (about £7.50 for the 1590BB and £14 for the 1590DD), and the service was quite good.

Having said that, you never realise if service is good until you have a problem!  That really sorts the men from the boys when it comes to customer service!


"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy..."