1590bb source. anyone interested?

Started by Brian Marshall, December 10, 2003, 03:08:00 AM

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Brian Marshall

I found a source for hammond 1590BB boxes.  Not a great price, but good.  They are 7.38 each.  There is however a minimum order of 10... I am not selling them, it is a business contact i have.  would anyone be interested in this?


not bad at all. did yo uknow hammond will sell them at 4.25 if you sweet talk them

Brian Marshall

will hamond sell direct?  I was under the impression that they did not... like i said this is just a business contact i have... at a company that happens to be a hammond distributor, but doesnt really do much with them.  I was given the impression that if i bought a whole bunch of them (like hundreds) he could go back and get a discount, but I'm not in a popsition right now to do that.



dont' get me wrong that is a great deal.   i just happend to know  a guy on the inside. ..   hehheheheeheh..  i have been hangin out with diyers for a while before i actually jumped in and started to make pedals.

i am sure you will get alot of poeple posting  saying they want some.. so keep at it.  i personally have gone to using the nicely done pedals that donald has done..  wicked evil..


7.25 is Small Bear's bulk price at 10.  They get cheaper from there on out.


Brian Marshall

Main reason i brought it up was this guy is a good customer of mine (at my real job)  I thought i'd try to throw some business his way.  I dont have his contact info, but i will get it tomorrow at work, and post it.


Brian Marshall

Quote from: Travis7.25 is Small Bear's bulk price at 10.  They get cheaper from there on out.


i didnt even think to look at the bulk prices.  oh well my order is already placed.  Damn, I wasted .13 a piece. :roll:


I hope that you can find some way to recoup the loss.

Brian Marshall

Well if anyone is interested the phone number is (360) 377 3877.  Talk to Glenn.  Company name is Platt Elelctric.  He doesn't stock them as of yet, but I am hoping that if he sells enough of them that he'll start.   :D
