Radio Shack IC boards for Distortion + ??

Started by C Bradley, December 16, 2003, 05:26:07 PM

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C Bradley

Quote from: Ansilyepp you can make it more usefull by forgoing the orignal layout and taking the dist pot and making it 1M and relpacing the resitor in the feedback loop
Are you saying to use the pot in the feedback loop and use the 1M resistor to ground? Wouldn't that cut your gain? Or do you mean to remove the 1M resistor and replace the 1M in the feedback loop with the 1M pot?

Chris B
Chris B

Got Fuzz?


Quote from: C Bradley
Quote from: Ansilyepp you can make it more usefull by forgoing the orignal layout and taking the dist pot and making it 1M and relpacing the resitor in the feedback loop
Are you saying to use the pot in the feedback loop and use the 1M resistor to ground? Wouldn't that cut your gain? Or do you mean to remove the 1M resistor and replace the 1M in the feedback loop with the 1M pot?

Chris B

there is a 1 m resistor in feedback loop.   remove it.    put in the 1m pot.

ta da

also for a thicker sound.  put a 10uf cap instead of the 1uf coming from the chip. and use leds instead of germaniums

C Bradley

I've got it on bread board. I like the .047uF cap on the inverting input, not too flabby or too screachy. It sounds really good for old-school metal!  :twisted: I'm using 1N4001 type diodes. Nice and crunchy, not as clean as the LED's (~0.6V Vs. 3V for the red LED's). Should the 1M pot be linear or audio taper? I'm using a linear pot right now.

Chris B
Chris B

Got Fuzz?


doesn't matter..  if you put a tad more gain in the circuit and put in leds it sounds more amplike