Just a thought regarding the FX building sites

Started by Kilby, December 18, 2003, 05:15:13 AM

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Would it make sense to put together a CD or DVD of the FX sites to try to amongst other things cut the bandwidth usage (and therefore charges for hosting).

I know that Jack Orman has already done this to some extent.

It would also allow for more audio examples to be used (so generational changes and tweaks can be compared).

An ISO image of the CD or DVD could possibly be placed on some of the large distribution sites sunsite for example.

The reason I mention this is because apart from this forum, I spend so much time rechecking and rereading stuff I have looked at many times before (and I suspect other people do the same).

I'm also sure that runoffgroove suffer because of all the sound samples which they so kindly offer.

Also it would make searching for info so much easier (and less strain on servers).

Just a thought,


B Tremblay

Quote from: KilbyI'm also sure that runoffgroove suffer because of all the sound samples which they so kindly offer.

Nope, we're doing fine!  Thanks for your concern, though.
B Tremblay


Well it was a thought :)

I also thought it would encourage other folks to send additional examples, I ofcourse can't as I am using the excuse of learning about the pedals innards to avoid practicing my playing ;)


The whole cool thing about the internet is that you can get data from A to B without needing to send stuff with snail mail etc. Also, I think that when a new schemmo is posted on a site, the info is instantly available to everyone, like when I finally make the pics I want to I'll be putting them on my site www.smoguzbenjamin.tk :D Don't bother going there yet, there's nothing there ;)
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Also, unless you get specific permission to do so, even in the case of 'free' schematics, layouts, etc., you'd be violating copyright laws by distributing the information yourself on another medium.  Most folks probably wouldn't bother so sue you, but someone conceiveably could.

So it's best to let the artists/creators publish and distribute their own creative works.  Yes, a 'copy' of someone else's schematic, one that has been completely re-rendered in another form and not merely photocopied or scanned, is an original work of art owned by its creator, the person who drew it.  The schematic itself falls under the domain of trademarks and patent laws, which are entirely different from copyright laws.  Generally speaking, chances are a schematic is neither protected by trademark nor a patent.

Most folks who create such works and publish them on the internet do so in order to help others, but they still want credit for their work.  They don't want their drawings floating around unattributed or under somebody else's control, and they definitely don't want someone else coming around later and claiming they created them or assuming they're public domain simply because they were 'found' on somebody else's website or on a CD somewhere.