Started by Sickened_Emotions, December 23, 2003, 03:47:52 PM

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Hey guys, Im new here, but I was wondering if there was any place you guys knew of (or maybe even someone here who could do it?) that would/could build me a "copy" of either a Soldano Supercharger GTO overdrive pedal, or a Soldano SLO 100 watt guitar amp (the head only). Im looking into these and would totally kill for one or both, but the head itself is 3 Grand, and the pedal is around $400. I really dont have the money for them, and Id like to know how much it would cost me to have a "copy" made. Any help would be greatly appreciated, so if you can help me out, please do. Thanks alot.
Noah was a drunk, look what he accomplished!


Mark Hammon said the Black Fire sounded like a SLO.  Easy to build and sounds great.
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


If you hang around here long enough, you'll be able to build 'em yourself ;)
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


buy a peavey rockmaster preamp.  welcome to the wonderful world of soladon and boogie and allsorts of fun amps like that can be gotten witha carvin head.  or a peavey preamp.  pretty much the same stuff. from the schematics i have seen.


Is the schematic of the pedal available somewhere? I know the SLO100 can be found on the internet.




You could build the preamp portion of the slo100 based off the schematics that are available on the internet.  Slap it into a rack case run it through a power amp, and you could get something close to the sound of a slo100.  It would still cost you a couple hundred dollars.  The parts are not super expensive, but the power transformer could cost close to 100 dollars.  The enclosure would also cost maybe 50 or so dollars.  If you've never dealt with electronics this could also be a dangerious project.  You are dealing with very high voltages.  

I haven't seen the schematics for the GTO but you may be able to get them from the source.  Give Soldano a call and see what they say.  

If this is your first project, I would agree with whats been said already, try a small foot pedal.  Just cause they don't use tubes, doesn't mean they won't sound good.  And you'll save a lot of money than if you'd tried to make a SLO clone.


Quote from: williamI haven't seen the schematics for the GTO but you may be able to get them from the source.  Give Soldano a call and see what they say.  

From what I have read of the GTO, even Soldano has a hard time making noise free units, so my guess is this not something a beginner would have much luck with.

Kerry M


hello, The SUPERCHARGER G.T.O. has been discontinued.   and uses two 12ax7 i think.
Sombody have his Schemantic and PCB?


I also agree.  I doubt you will find too many people that would be willing to spend their time, not that people are selfish or not willing to help.  People on this board are more than willing to help, this is one of the best forum communities I've found on the internet... rarely an argument or negative word typed, everyone here is really helpful.  Maybe you'll get lucky, but I think a lot of the people in this hobby are on a mission to explore and mold their sound, or gain experience.

If I were you, I would start off with a pedal as others have suggested.  You can make some really great sounding pedals for 20 bucks in parts.  The only tool you'll absolutely have to have is a soldering iron, other things like small pliers and snips are also necessary, but a soldering iron has few substitutes so you'd have to get one, if you don't already have access to one.

Other than that, a drill, and optional paint or something for graphics.  And parts, which are pretty cheap.  You can go on ebay and find tons of them, especially when you are starting out, its a good investment.  I bought tons of resistors, caps, diodes, and a whole bunch of germanium transistors from several bulk sources.

Eventually, you may get to the point where you have the knowledge and tools to build a soldano.  I am just now getting into tube amps, I bought a 5w valve junior that I plan on modding to help me learn.

You might try some online searches to find custom amp builders.  They are no doubt going to be expensive.  As mentioned by other posters, the best option would be to learn yourself.  Its a whole lot cheaper, and much more gratifying!

Good luck!  Matt.
Ipso Facto


builds completed: boutique fuzz, rangemaster, BSIAB2, PT-80, Tonepad wah, Ross Comp, Axis Fuzz, MOSFET boost, Thunderchief, Big Muff (triangle), Mr. EQ, Dr. Boogey,  Neovibe, Dist+, EA Tremelo, ADA Flanger, RM Octavia
next build(s): ???


It might be worth pointing out that the original poster hasn't been here for three years.   
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John Lyons

Good point DaveB !
I'm sure the info is still nice but I'm sure the original poster is long gone.

For those interested (as mentioned above) the soldano slo100  was basically ripped off by Mesa (dual rectifier) and the Peavey 5150. There are small changes but the main schematic is just copied. The Dr Boogie should get you 90% to that soundminue the power section. The preamp in the Soldano, DR, 510 is the main tone shaping circuit though anyway. The output section on those is pretty clean and neutral.

Interesting to see the SLow Century (SLO 100 get it?) I wasn't aware of that one.

Basic Audio Pedals


Or build a HotBox and change the values as per soldano SLO and you'll have a reasonably sounding hi-gain pre that connected to the front end of your amp should give you more tube distrotion than you'll ever want/need.


the sloclone forums some nice stuff there schematics/pics pics of builds you name it.......   ;D


If you are not an experienced amp builder I would not atempt to build a complex amp like the SLO.


I agree with the guys, Instead of asking/paying someone to build one for you, why dont you try to build it yourself ? I'm sure that EVERY people in this forum is glad to help you with that, and dont forget the satisfaction that you get when your build is working  ;)
There are plenty of informations that you could find in here. Seriously i was just about learning to solder, when i join this forum  :icon_redface: , but now, i have my own stompboxes, preamp pedal, rack unit and my SLO-100 Clone amp, is that so wonderfull  ;D


Quote from: MRX2099 on December 04, 2006, 04:35:05 PM
the sloclone forums some nice stuff there schematics/pics pics of builds you name it.......   ;D
Nice link.  Thanks! 
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I do have the soldano supercharger schematics. Is anyone interested in making a pcb and lsyout from it?


Quote from: fikri on December 05, 2006, 01:00:15 PM
I agree with the guys, Instead of asking/paying someone to build one for you, why dont you try to build it yourself ? I'm sure that EVERY people in this forum is glad to help you with that, and dont forget the satisfaction that you get when your build is working  ;)
There are plenty of informations that you could find in here. Seriously i was just about learning to solder, when i join this forum  :icon_redface: , but now, i have my own stompboxes, preamp pedal, rack unit and my SLO-100 Clone amp, is that so wonderfull  ;D

All right !!!!
dont forget the satisfaction that you get when your build is working  ;)
:icon_wink: :icon_biggrin: ;D

Doc (in italian but the image is good):


John Lyons

Nice work there el84!
I like that blue tolex covering.
Basic Audio Pedals