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OT: Angry Boy!

Started by Chipper Chapowski, January 12, 2004, 09:54:20 AM

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Chipper Chapowski

I know this is OT but I thought this forum would be a good place to get some honest, non-biased opinions of my music.  My band is called Angry Boy, and we are a 4-piece based in the UK.  We just finished recording our new demo and I'd love to know what you think of it.  I am responsible for guitars in this outfit and I love my job!  :D

My set-up is a '72 Re-issue Tele Custom running direct into a VHT CL-50 head with a Marshall 2x12 cab.  In my effects loop live a number of toys, one of which is my new DIY Total Sonic Annihilation with volume control.

Anyway, below is a link to our flagship track called 'Routine Something'.  The quality ain't fantastic because its been squashed to save web-space, but its good enough for now.

Let me know what you think!
P.S Its free along with all our other tracks on our website!


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Mike Burgundy

Nice dynamics, good structure. Like the second vocal harmony. Guitar wall is a bit atonal though, yet far away in the mix. Might benifit from one not-so-distorted guitar together with a fatter, medium distorted and compressed guitar. Or whatever. I feel a rant coming up ;)
I can hear a good gig in there, but I'm not too sure if our booker would consider it.
Keep going, good work!

Chipper Chapowski

Interesting!  You know how it is though, we're unsigned and can't afford to go to a plush studio with a room with a thousand mics so I think the thinness has a lot to do with the size of the room the amp was in, certainly not the amp itself!  There is only so much DSP can sort out  :wink:

Also with only one guitar in the band we wanted to try and stay as faithful as we could to the live performance, so the only other guitar parts were layering sections with some differently voiced guitar.  But as usual the story is the same, it always sounds so much better on those monitors!

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Arn C.

Nice job Chipper!  Keep on moving forward!!!!
Arn C.

Chipper Chapowski

Why thank you!  We'll do our very best!!

-Mike  :)
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Routine something is a cool song, just the uncontrolled sounding guitar noise isn't reall my cuppa, but the other things sound real cool :) I like the other songs too!
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.


Definitely got a Fugazi thing going on there between the noisy guitars and the "straight-as-an-arrow" bass player...which is def. a good thing :)

I think the vocals are the weaker bit for me. I like the layered approach, but the vocals seemed less passionate than the instruments to me...

Overall, very very nice, though.

Chipper Chapowski

Thanks guys, all your comments are much appreciated.  I knew this place would be a safe bet to get some no bulls**t opinions on some music!

Hope you all like it anyway, its free so take it!

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when i heard the first 30 sec i said to myself this is a bad ass demo!...........but just hear me out.......
1. since the song doesn't change a whole lot , make it 1/3 shorter.
2. could use a bit of lead guitar , simple or shredding , either will work.
3.the mix is weak, but i hear some great stuff going on.
4. keep kicking ass and stay true to your aim and goal.
5. i'd like to here the rest of the cd. really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
       peace and good luck,
                - tom pollock           :wink:

Jason Stout

I really like the noise parts...alot :twisted:
Keep rockin
Jason Stout

Steve C

Real Nice!  I like it.  Just some constructive critcism, the intro/vamp before each chorus, sound too drawn out.  If you shortened it to a four count on the back beat (measure), it would make the intro and each chorus more explosive.  The spacey part before the second chorus would sound really cool with a short fading delay (like a Boss RV-3 in mode 2) after the end of each vocal part.  

Sounds great!


yeah the guitars sound really thin.  an easy way to thicken stuff up without more mics is to add tracks with different tonal qualities and pan hard.  not anything like something youd fine in my music collection,  but sounds good.  kudos.

Chipper Chapowski

Thanks dudes!  All comments are appreciated.  What I love about this place is there aren't any d*cks that slate people for the fun of it!  A real forum of gentlemen (and ladies).  Hope you all enjoy the demo anyway, its not perfect but its the thought that counts.   :D

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best wishes bro!
           - tom

Chipper Chapowski

Dudes! Thanks to your interest our website stats  page has shown a massive increase in downloads of our track 'Routine Something'!  I've shown the rest of the band and they have all read your comments which although quite varied were very cool with something to be taken from them all.  So me and the boys wanted to say a big cheers to you lot for the interest!

Also, if anyone is interested, all our recorded material is up for download, for free, on our website in the music section.  The track 'Routine Something' was also recorded with another track called 'Glue', so anyone who can be bothered can listen to that too.  The guitars on Glue are a bit more raw and beefy so you some of you who thought the guitar sounds could have been better on the other track can compare it against this.  Anyway, thanks a lot!

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Marcos - Munky

Hi Mike. I really liked your band! The song is very cool, and the slow part in the middle of the song reminds me a cool band, but I don't remember the name now :P. To tell the truth, every part of the song reminds me cool bands. I will download all of your MP3.

Chipper Chapowski

You need us in your life....


Wow -
I love it... right up my alley... very 'indie' sounding...
I just downloaded it... keeping it... in my playlist!!

Chipper Chapowski

YA!  I'm very happy some people like it!  :D  :D  :D  :D
You need us in your life....

Peter Snowberg

That sounds really great! 8)

I agree that the guitar could use some more lows to thicken it up a hair, but overall it sounds great! I like the time and the timing. For me it's a perfect mix of noise and not noise. I'm looking forward to hearing more. :D

Take care,
Eschew paradigm obfuscation