i need a real big enclosure

Started by troubledtom, January 19, 2004, 01:38:36 PM

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Paul Perry (Frostwave)

A problem wiht "large area" boxes is that no matter how solid, if the face is large enough it will sag when you stomp. So you mighinternal supports, possibly made from standoffs.
I notice it is fashionable at the moment to have stainless steel kitchen fittings, a lot of this is just wood with thin sheet over it. Who knows, stainless is impossible to work with, but brass sheet solders like a dream, maybe there is some way to do something that way.


   thanx for the info, but i really need a big box, i'm already using the biggest size steve offers , i beleive. i need a box i can get 9 or 10 stomps on.
crazy , yep, but that's my market ' people that want 10 times more then you can get from any guitar shop'. the first two are going into frying pans
sorry, joe g.  :wink:
      - troubledtom


I've long been toying with the idea of putting all my fave DIY boxes in one unit. The encloure has been the stopping point. If we come up with one I'll definitely buy one also. It's much preferrable for me to have one big stompbox with everything I need in it Vs. a pedalboard. If I were going to go into the business, that's what I'd do. Analog multi-effects. Sigh.
