RatShack Sampler revisted.

Started by Ansil, January 29, 2004, 02:45:40 AM

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thanks for that link, that got it for me.  thanks again


BTW, I built one based on the Carrionnsound instructions.  A WARNING!!!!!  Those should NOT be "normally closed" switches, they should be normally opens.  I emitted a lot of swear words before I realized this.  Perhaps this is one of the differences between the old and new circuits.

Also, I have to say, adding that voltage sag pot is great.  It completely mangles the sound.  I intend to use it for sampling a Casio or drum machine live and screwing around with the result.


Hi guys

I put one of these together over the weekend with a 20s sampler module from Rapid Electronics (probably the same as the RatShack one), a simple through buffer and passive mixer. It works okay except for a really loud thump at the end of each playback. I've tried playing with the output load resistance to no avail. I haven't tried capacitors yet but I don't want to degrade the sound any further if I can help it.

Can anybody suggest a fix, please?



that`s the "auto-power-shutdown"-bump / power-on-thump...
(which the first ISD chips did not suffer from, IIRC).

zachary vex

man, i can't believe they screwed up the older ISD chips.  that's just silly.


I tried to use a similar module sold by conrad (germany) .

it suffers from quite a long delay before it starts recording and even worse before it plays the sound (about 1 second after pressing the respective button)

is this the same with the RS module and the ISD modules?