Fender Princeton 112 Plus, Distortion Channel

Started by Triffid, February 05, 2004, 07:07:58 PM

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That seems like a good way to look at.   Now, that virtual ground wouldn't be where you would want to connect your ground connection from your input and output jacks right, would still want those to go to the 0 volt point?

Thanks for your help, and don't worry, i have a breadboard :)

Mike Burgundy

See the edit I put in above.
All other ground connections stay where they are.


Ok, I revamped the edited version per Mike's suggestions.  Thanks again for your help...

Here is the link again...


The second opamp (U2B) is inverting, right? Would that be a problem? Maybe add an inverting output buffer after the tone controls? And while we are at it, an input buffer wouldn't hurt either??

Oh, and if you look all the bottom of the schematic you will find a small note that "all diodes are 1n4448".