Please help me get my EA trem working

Started by shawsofhell, February 10, 2004, 12:41:50 AM

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Ok i have wired every thing up and i'm pretty certain that every thing is in the right way but when i turn it on the led doesnt flash it just stay lit constantly and no audible tremelo effect can be heard. The volume pot woks but the depth and speed have no effect. I used a 2n5089 instead of the 2n5088 could this be my problem? anyway i have a copy of the pcb i designed to build this circuit  Just click on the band album and it should be there.


I wont be able to provide you with any help...but I was curious...

Are the pot values correct? I'm just wondering because the EA trem off of the site doesnt give any values (100k, 250k...linear, taper...) for the VOLUME, RATE, and DEPTH or whatever you want to label them.  Would changing the values/type of pot make a subtle difference in the effect (like broader range of RATE...).


Quite a few people have had this problem with the LFO.  First of all, check your 1uF cpas.  Make sure that you have the correct value, and that they (if polarized) are oriented correctly.  

It may also be a good idea to check battery voltages.  My EA trem can stay on without the trem after voltage falls to c. 6.5V.

The LFO section of your PCB looks like it should work.


Ok caps are all right measured some voltages and the j201 had all voltages of 0 on al leads. b for 2n5089 was .54
Someone please help!!!


Don't worry about anything but the LFO.  Once we get that sorted, the rest of the effect should fall into place.

First, my datasheet of the 2n5089 shows that (if your PCB is taken as being viewed from above) it is in backwards.

Sorry to be repetitive, but a lot of people have dropped .1uF or even smaller caps into this effect.  Double-triple check.

I definitely recommend that you go over your PCB at and around Q3. If you have even a small trace directly to gorund, the LED will light up without any LFO action.

The emitter of Q3 should be at 0V relative to ground.  However, you should be getting a significant reading on its collector and the base.  

I'm not trying to patronise you here, but all voltage readings are taken relative to ground (that is, with the black lead of your DMM on ground and the red lead on whatever your are trying to measure).

Oh, and for Axmanjr, I believe that Runoffgroove shows what values need to be changed for different effect for the same LFO in their Phozer.