Subsitute pcs in Small Clone build

Started by Somicide, February 10, 2004, 03:17:16 PM

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Man I love the sound of this pedal, I just thought I would ask for future reference what could i use instead of the mn3007 and cd4047?
Peace 'n Love

Mark Hammer

There are several different 8-pin BBDs you could sub for an MN3007, but you'd need to compensate other components if you wanted to get the same sound.  For instance, the MN3009 is pin for pin replaceable but has only 256 stages instead of 1024.  Achieving the same delay range would require quadrupling the clock cap (600pf instead of 150pf).  Unfortunately, this drop in clock rate also dramatically increases the risk of clock noise being audible unless you set a much lower filter rolloff frequency, which involves changing about a half dozen *other* caps in the filter sections.

As far as identical replacements go (and note that there is nowhere NEAR the range of acceptable substitutes here the way there is for transistors or -op-amps), the NTE1641 is intended to replace the MN3007 (don't quote me; I always get the NTE1639 and 1641 confused, one is the clock driver and the other is the BBD).


I've used the NTE1641 in the Zombie and Ultra Flanger.  It works great.  The data sheets are virtually identical between the MN3007 and the NTE1641.  Mouser has them for under $10.
"Come on in...I've got caaandy!" H.S.