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fuzz face help...

Started by changes, March 08, 2004, 03:46:32 AM

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well i´m kinda new to effect building so after building some boosters i decided to build a distortion circuit...The Fuzz  Face
i could´t find the AC128 so i built a npn version with sounded pretty awful.( i know that people prefer the germanium AC128 version but i thought i would give it a try and i don´t wanna give up)
i´ve read some articles for correct biasing the second transistor but (4.5V between collector and ground) and i did so.well the result is a bit better but still the same thin,harsh and cheap sounding pedal...
pleaz anybody help...


what are the values of your input and output caps?
try 2.2uF and .01uF

i prefer two 100nF in mine


Also, are you running anything else in your signal chain ( esp. before), or do you have active pickups? Make sure to test the FF straight into the amp first (with passive pickups). The FF is not famous for sounding great into Solid-State amps either, but it should at least work. If at all possible, try the pedal into another amp. Sometimes the (low) input impedance of an amp can do weird things to the way the FF works. I would rule out those external factors first.

Kerry M


Post the voltages you're getting at the collectors of both transistors. What's happening at Q1 is also important.

Also, go back through and make sure you got all the passive component values correct. Double check the color codes on the resistors (esp. that pesky third band). Not many components in a FF, so not much of a chore.

The silicon FF is my favorite fuzz box; they can sound pretty great when tuned up properly.


Here's something that will definately help.  Put a 220pF cap from base to collector on both transistors.  This will limit the high-end frequency response (by adding some junction capacitance just like the old Ge transistors had).  If the 220pF makes it too soft sounding, try 100pF.  Alternatively, 330pF will really wipe out those Si highs.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)



I've done some test with differents brand of BC 109 c on socket there's a huge difference beetween them .First many of them have  a high Hfe.Remember the first silicon's were  not so consistent than today production and even not so powerfull.I've got  a silicon FF with old metal can BC 109c that sound famous  and some other or plastic can that sound awfull 'even if they are correctly biaised .Why don't you try hybrid with AC 127 ?I've done one that got a very good Fuzz-Face sound,not harsh at all and a very good attack!


Hey changes,Try this fuzz face varient.I know it works BC 109s but I like to beef up the 10uF to 47uF.


First tube it sees.
 I ran the Si FF [BCxxx's] into a SS little Fender, and it was not so good. Crackli/raw/nasty.
 Same thing through one of the tube amps sound quite good, Dynamic, More refined, Sweet.
 Dudes Jaguar can make many of my good sounding pedals sound tinny/harsh.
 The Dist+,  OTOH, last night delivered interesting tones through the 5150 head, it being the first box to render a different tone that's as usable as the built in ones.
 Basically it's a DIst+, with TL072, Diodes are a NTE's 1n34 cross ref [any Ge should do] , and a NTE158 B/C going the other way[ any Ge should do], and an .o47uf input cap.
  I would socket the input and output caps on the next build or two at least, as well the diodes be socketted...really helps tune in the circuits to what you like and what your amp and guitar can provide. Obviously [you'd think...I burned an OA with irontip] using sockets for OpAmps.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


This is a great FF variation that allows you to use High-gain trannies with ease.




I'm agree with you about the Disto + is one of the closest Tonebender/fuzz-face and natural  sounding pedal.I used this MXR yellow box a long way before i began FFor TB clones because the sound of it  was ever good ,some pedals sound good when you play lonely at home but with other instruments you're lost something (i think it is frequency level cancelling)and nobody ear you correctlyeven you are pushing the amps .Sola-sound themself in their last reissues are using a schematic really near the Disto+.