Anybody plays slide here?...

Started by Gilles C, April 09, 2004, 02:37:41 PM

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Gilles C

I was just wondering.   :?

Wanted to know what set-up you use or prefer to use for playing slide.

I started playing slide (well... guitar as well, anyway) again after a a quiet period of over 1 year, and I stated to experiment with a few things to get a new sound: BOSS OD-3, Purple Peaker Clone (Aron's original schem ), and the Overdrive sound from my Fender amplifier.

I can get a good "Clapton sound" with my amp, but I can't always bring my amp with me.

So I would like to find a good dirtyer sound for when I plug straight into a console via a Direct Box.

I'm ok with the clean accoustic sound for the accoustic set, but I would like to make a change for the electric set.

That's the guitar I mostly use:

That's a Johnson accoustic guitar with a Don Lace pick-up.

But I could bring another electric guitar for the elctric set one some day...

A new effect to build would be welcome  :D but I don't have as much time available for that these days, so I try to choose more and build less.  :(

Btw, if you really dig slides, I couldn't resist and just ordered this one.

My heart went crazy when I saw it  8)

If you don't like or play Blues, you won't understand I suppose  :wink:




Gilles -- thanks for posting the pic -- I always like to see musicians in action. I play lap steel in an alt-country band, and I go for a dirty-ish slide sound. I go from the steel to a Guyatone OD-2 (a TS variation) to a DOD Bi-Fet preamp for clean boosts to a Blues Jr, . I also work the volume knob, which is something I'm still getting used to.

However, for going direct to the board, which I used to do, I run the steel into a Morley JD-10, which is an overdrive/cab simulator/line driver, then straight to the PA. It also worked great into my Music Man combo, but that was a great clean amp. The JD-10 doesn't like the Blues Jr as much. I still keep it with me as emergency backup. It's a very versatile OD -- great for bluesy stuff and cleans up well. See if you can pick one up used.
Duct tape and particle board!


hye giles..   yeah iplay some slide,  pretty much gave lessosns there for a bit on it.

Gilles C

Cool... I'm not alone  :P

<<However, for going direct to the board, which I used to do, I run the steel into a Morley JD-10, which is an overdrive/cab simulator/line driver, then straight to the PA.

. It's a very versatile OD -- great for bluesy stuff and cleans up well. See if you can pick one up used.>>>

Thanks for the info. I'll take a look at that one. I tried my Reb Box Cab Sim, but it's too clean for what I have in mind.


Gilles C

Is that the one?

Too bad he doesn't ship to Canada...

There is also another one on Ebay, that also doesn't ship to Canada.

Maybe I could try to convince them to SHIP to Canada  :twisted:

Is it worth it???



Gilles C

¨¨The schematic of the JD-10 is available, check this link: ¨¨¨¨

Thanks Joep, I didn't remember it was there.

When I took a look at it, it reminded me I had a Stereo Pack that had a kind of similar configuration, but with no "official" cab simulation. Only a fixed and a variable tone circuit.

I will check first what I can do for the cab sim and will go from there.

Hummm...   :idea: I could try the Stereo Pack + the Red Box Cab Sim, and compare with the JD-10.

Thanks guys for the ideas.



I play some slide, and enjoy doing so. In my current band we have a little open G tuned mini-set where I do that slidin' thang, including Rory Gallagher's "Bullfrog Blues" which is a fave of mine.

I have a friend who's from Edinburgh Scottland who's maybe the best slider I've ever heard, bar none. His name is Nick Devlin. I wish he were computer literate, so he could share some of his considerable guitar wisdom on a wider basis, but that ain't gonna happen, he hates computers just like he hates musos and people who use to many effects!

Where I'm originally from(Little Rock, AR) there are so many good slide players, it's almost redundant to do it cause everyone there does it so well. I haven't seen nearly as much of it here(Tampa, FL) , though there is a world class slider around here named Sarasota Slim and he's a MONSTER.

Most sliders I know will tell you that direct for slide sucks no matter how much processing you use. My little opinion on the matter is if you can't take a large amp with you, then get a little one. The Fender Blues Jr. comes to mind, or even an old Champ. My personal small tube amp is a Supro "Super" which is just like a tweed champ powerwise.

My buddy Nick gets his incredible slide tone with a ceramic slide & the cheapest, crappiest, Peavey amp imaginable. It's called a Studio Pro 40, and if you can find one in good shape, it's probably the best sounding SS amp you'll ever use. He whipped me and my Marshall's ass on a nightly basis using that little SS piece of crap!



Gilles C

-------Most sliders I know will tell you that direct for slide sucks no matter how much processing you use. My little opinion on the matter is if you can't take a large amp with you, then get a little one. The Fender Blues Jr. comes to mind, or even an old Champ--------

Before I decided to try something to get a good sound direct, I went to a store to check the price of the Blues jr... For a brand new one, it's more than I could sell my Blues Deluxe.

Having to pay to go from a 40W to a 15W is not very logical...

And the following week-end, I played with my amp after over a year without playing at a normal level (not a condominium level...), I remembered why I bought it: I love it's sound! ... But my back doesn't love the weight  :(

But as you said, a small cheap and used amp with a mike in front of it could be a solution. I'll also check for a JD-10 cheap...

Btw, I listened to an MP3 of Bullfrog Blues... This song moves  :)

About other guitarists playing slide here around my place, there are not a lot of them. Only a few pros. And they don't come very often to the jams.

But I don't know any slide monster around here... Too bad!

But I'm lucky... people want me to play slide  :P They love the metallic sound of the slide on the strings.

Ah... I'll find a solution



Blues Deluxe heavy! Hah!! That's a good one! You don't want to carry my rig around then, do you? Marshall half-stack. The head weighs as much as a Blues Deluxe. I've considered a Blues Deluxe to cut down on what I'm carrying(or for jams etc.).

Look into that Peavey Studio Pro 40(pawnshops or eBay) also. It's very light, and loud, and voiced well for slide.




Weight is exactly why I wen to the Blues Jr -- the Music Man was killing my back, that that was only a 65 watt 1-12" combo. I like the JD-10 a lot -- of course, YMMV. If you can get one cheap, I think it's worth a try. Check out Harmony Central for reviews, also Guitar Player has mentioned it (in a positive way) a lot.

I read somewhere that Jerry Donahue recorded some Hellecasters stuff direct using it, and sometimes runs it through a Bass or keyboard amp, cuz it likes to see a clean amp. An SS amp would probably do fine.

It sounds like you've got an interesting option already with the Stereo Pack. Might be worth a follow-up.
Duct tape and particle board!


I play slide quite a bit. Although I wince at the idea at going direct live, my first thought would be to give the Tech 21 GT2 a try. I've gotten decent recordings direct with it. I also lug a heavy combo around (80+ pound Rivera Quiana), so I can understand the desire for a lighter set-up. I was looking at the regular Deluxe to lighten things up a bit. I've heard good things about those Peavey Studio Pros RDV mentioned. I think Robert Randolph used to use them.  Even a little Supro mic'ed would probably be better than direct. With my Les Paul into Rangemaster into the *Plexi* channel of the Quiana, I get a lot of compliments on my slide sound.

I like the picture!
Kerry M

Gilles C

If anyone feel like sharing a little soundclip sometime, I would be curious to hear how it sounds...  8)

On my side, I will try to record an example of what I can get direct (with the Stereo Pack, etc...) compared with the sound of my Hot Rod Deluxe.

I just read that Dave Hole play through a CS-2 compressor ... and a TS-808.

Of course, that's when connected to an amp (or two...).

From what I read, I'm lucky I only have a Deluxe  :roll: I wouldn't want to carry your stuff guys...

Gilles C

I did a few checks this week, and found out that the Peavy  JD-10 cab sim is very similar to the one in my Nobels Stereo Pack.

I could even say that the one in the Stereo Pack looks better on the schematic...

And the Stereo Pack has Delay and Chorus in stereo, so it would have been a bad decision for me to buy a JD-10 I think.

I also recorded the Behringer direct box with the cab sim ON, and did the same with the Hughes & Kettner Red Box mark II.

The Behringer is cleaner, and the Red Box is darker sounding. 2 completly different sounds. Very easy to hear in the clip.

But maybe the Red Box is loading my guitar a bit more and affcting the highs because of that.

I'll have to try it with a preamp to check that.

But I think that the Behringer direct box was a good buy...



Speaking of small amps, what about one of those electra's? They are 10 watts and only $100.  Or what about a pignose GV40? Right at $200.

Or you could do like Ralph Macchio (sp?) and use the original pignose with a telecaster in Crossroads.  ;)

Arn C.

Javacody writes:
QuoteOr you could do like Ralph Macchio (sp?) and use the original pignose with a telecaster in Crossroads.

Ry Cooder Rocks!!!  

Hey Gilles, did learn any of Ry Cooders stuff?  He is awesome.   One guitar he uses is all hacked up with a hawaiin guitar pickup into?
I slide too!!!

Arn C.

Gilles C

A PigNose... yeah! I almost bought one a while ago. But I felt it was too expensive for the size. You have to pay for the look, or the name. Like a kind of special tool.

A Gibson GA-15 Goldtone Combo Amp is another one that I saw used by a bluesman a few years ago... with a microphone in front of it.

The thing is, why use a miked amp can use a direct box. That's what I've been wondering for quite some time.  :?:  :?:  :?:

But then, the PigNose is an option I forgot.  :twisted:  Thanks for reminding me, I was missing a GOOD reason to buy one. :roll:

And no, I didn't learn any Ry Cooder, but I have a few of his CDs. I even bought a CD from another guitar player because I read on the CD cover that Cooder was playing on his CD.

I love his slide, but it is not well suited for the Blues that I play. He is more relaxed... (well , most of the time)

Glad to know you slide Javacody.

Hey, I think I will add a section only for sliders on my new Web site I am trying to work on (lack of time  :(  )

See you,



hi everybody!

I love play the slide!
IN FACT is ones of things about the guitar that more interest me...

I love and live the "yeites"  of JOHNNY WINTER...
the pirotecnia of dave hole and the smooth of RY COODER...but the legendary black faces learn to this guys... don´t forget.

long time ago I play with a glass slide... this break it... I play with metal slide... most recently a friend gift me a real pice of bottle neck... and later breaks again......... right now I did come to play with my metalic slide...

my amp is a fender ultrachorus, strat american, cry-baby, marshall bluesbreaker+marshall guv´nor....

Chris S

I like to use a schaller pick up 10/43 which i think is designed for a classical (spanish) on my wooden body resonator.  


And then put it through a fuzz face with a 500k volume control before going into the pedal.

I haven't tried this straight into a desk ussually stright into my amp. I really like this pick up because it has some really microphonic qualities about it but distorts nicely too