Embaressed to ask this, but i need alot of help please

Started by 9V, May 05, 2004, 02:59:38 AM

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As Paul said, the switch isn't wired correctly. See the unused lugs of the switch? You have to short (connnect) them to enable bypass.

One more thing, the two diodes' cathode (symbolized by the line in the diode) are facing the same direction. They should be facing opposite direction unless the wired the way ther should be under the board.

I also suspect your solder joints. They are to thick and that might be touching what it should not be. That might be another thing why it isn't working.
Oh yeah!


From what i can see, part of the problem seems to be that you are using way too much solder, there should just be a small blob of solder on each joint (about the same size as the little copper rings around the holes in the board)
Also from looking at the solder joints i would say that if anything they where probably not hot enough when you applied the solder. Remeber, the idea is to heat up the joint, then apply the solder directly to the joint when its hot enough, dont use the soldering iron to melt the solder onto the joint as it wont stick properly to a cold joint.
As for frying the transistor, it is normal for some components to get very hot while soldering, and its OK for most, if you are worried about it you can crocodile clip onto the component to create a heat sink and keep it cooler, although i would recommend using sockets for the transistors because if you ever need to change them for any reason desoldering them can be a pain.
Hope that makes sense  :!:


i think just buying a full copper half-side on a PCboard, using etching solution to make and to draw out the circles and lines for the layout, and drilling holes on the circles, placing components into holes and making little dotted solder, instead the lines and solder and lineson method pictures on my site is more easier and less complicated, don't you guys think so too?

on the diagram http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Library/1355/electra2.gif

the NPN transistor has like three lines coming out, and the picture shows that only two lines gets to be cut and be soldered, what about the middle line? do you still cut it and solder it or leave it alone?

and another question, if i were to de-solder all the component out of my grid board, and start a new project, can i just de-solder it with my soldering iron, or is that going to create another problems or do i have to buy them de-soldering wires? how does that work?

oh yes btw if i were to stick stickers (like line and circles) for the pcboard instead using water proof perminant marker, before i etch it, would that work?

i used 0.47 uf instead of 0.1 and two 1N4001's instead of one of each 1N4001 and 1N34A. is that a problem too?
i haven't given up just yet!


i applaud your bravery, but i think many of your problems are from diving into things head first.  I lurked around this forum, and read _every_ web page i could find for hours and hours before i carefully picked my first project.  It was a while before I attempted to etch a board myself.  I think taking things one step at a time would be helpful for you...head over to the beginner's project forum and read some stuff there, and maybe even build that project for experiance.

good luck, and stick with it!


i thought i could make a distortion unit just by looking at the schematic and the layout, i've learn how to solder properly now, and i am trying to build a new one, on a new perf or pc board....mine currently is a mess!

now just now have to de-solderize everything..
i haven't given up just yet!


the middle leg of the transistor is the Base... which is labeled on the diagram (B)... it has to connect to that black dot which has a big B on it...

that is definately a problem.

Good luck dude!


alright thanks guys, i am going to try some method's i've picked up in last 3 days, and try to emulate and discover some useful skills,

i have a new question on the site i posted.
http://www.geocities.com/filmonamountainrat/mypage.html (on the botttom, it's a picture question :lol: )  :oops:
i haven't given up just yet!


as for wiring, i always put the wires through the top (un copper side) of the board and solder them in with the lead of the other connection there also...

having the wires underneath makes a big mess, and imo, would make things a little harder.

look around for pictures of inside of pedals, finding pedals made on perf as a reference will really help you.

read this Tweak-O project from SmallBearElec It gives some great info and tips. it also has the suggestion of using "flea clips"... i've never used flea clips, but its something you might want to consider...

The tweak-o tutorial has some great pictures in it. Check it out!!

You could even buy the Tweak-O kit from Smallbearelec.com for 39.95.


i do not understand  :?

but the site you showed me was excellent, but that clip or whatever confuses me..

thanks anyways.
i haven't given up just yet!

Paul Marossy

Just ignore the flea clips part. The intent was to help you understand how to construct these things, by way of that tutorial.  8)


yes dude,

i have series of picture question, that i'll soon post up on my site...
it's hard to describe what i want to ask you advanced builders...
i haven't given up just yet!



please visit here....

i've posted some pics, and as you might have guessed, i still am failing at the attempt to make the electra distortion...
i haven't given up just yet!