pedal pics thank you photobucket :D

Started by Ansil, May 21, 2004, 06:29:39 AM

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original penguin

Love pedal

fire in slant enclosure

two boxes found out the hard way that glow in the dark green needs a porus coat.

mcdonalds fuzz  got a better pic somewhere


old work bench in georgia

 little marhsall ms2 i modified

first atempt at penguin fabric

dragon fire no controls on it yet

empty cowbox enclosure

chickfila work bench

my acid rain pedal

cowbox with slanted box

breadpan from schlotchzkys

standard penguin orange and black

original artwork for osiris. pedal


Nice looking stuff! I especially like the McDonalds one.


I love schlotchzkys! How in the world did you get that breadpan?!?!?


I like the penguins on the box and on the amp grill. Escher look. :)
However I can't seem to recognise the pedal.
What's inside Penguin Love? If it's not a secret of course...


i worked for schlotksys    

thats how i got the pan..  :D

the penguin love is my pedal.. itstaken a new twist. originaly its a plexi type sounding od/dist pedal  based off the lm386

but i recently changed it to an obscure militray chip to make it cascading instead of a single