Best way to make 6 switches to ground given these parameters

Started by xcpointx, May 25, 2004, 10:52:40 AM

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5V - 1.042mA
0.605V - 0.751mA (open collector outputs)

What is the best way to make a switch go to ground?

Can I do it with just a transistor?
CMOS - something like
or is a relay the only way to get a TRUE switch to ground?

Please guys, any help with this is much appreciated.


It matters a lot *what* you're switching to ground.

If it's a logic signal, you can use almost anything. An ordinary bipolar NPN transistor will do fine. You just have to find out the Most Positive Down Level (that's the highest voltage the logic family recognizes as a "0") and ensure that you drive the transistor hard enough to pull the amount of current below that. With ordinary transistors like a 2N3904, that's easy. they saturate to gains of 50 or so at a Vce of a few millivolts with milliampere level signals.

If you're switching audio to ground, you need to take some additional precautions. A CMOS switch is good, as is a MOSFET. But you can switch with bipolars, you need a BIG capacitor on series with the collector to block the collector offset voltage.

So - what are you switching, and what results do you need?

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Thanks for replying.
I want to switch the jacks down the left of this schematic.

Note, the upper 4 are slightly different than the the lower 3. The latter need to toggle ON/OFF and the former are channel selects, only one of each can be on at a time (turn one on & the other turns off automatically)

They all respond if I connect tip to ground. They aren't audio signals but a rudimentary form of switching logic using jack plugs (not at all related to MIDI even though the schematic says so).

Im not sure how to tackle the ON/OFF thing on the lower 3, but i I can get the upper 4 switching at least I'll be somewhere.

Im using a signal switcher (Rockman Midi Octopus) to generate the switching values in my first post (by the way the logic signal switches between 0V and 0.605V)
Measurements on the jacks that need to be switched in the schematic:
CH1-4 things switch from 0-14V (or vice versa).
voltage switches between -14V and +14V When ON and OFF
(I took these using the Footswitch - D9 connector lower left)

thanks again


Im looking for a circuit to use.

Will something as simple as Figure B do it?

Or do I need to add a resistor to the base?