3-legged dog on breadboard?

Started by Hal, May 28, 2004, 04:52:12 PM

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I just got ICs from mouser, so i decited to try out this circuit quickly!  So...I put it on breadboard.  Now, i saw that warning that said that its noisy, but i decited to ignore.  When i got finished, _all_ i got was buzz.  Literally, no guitar signal.  Is this becuase i messed something up, or is this just extensive interferance.  I spent a while looking for shorts and stuff, but i dont think i had any.  All values are reasonably close...Im using a different FET, but i still get massive squeel even if i pull out the cap between the fet stage and the CMOS stage.  Not good :-D


Did you ground all unused inputs?  Is your battery close to 9V?  These are two common causes of buzzing and squeals.


Yes, and kinda :-D  I think its about 7v.  I'll try a new battery when i get a chance.  Thanks !


That low battery is most likely the problem.

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I suppose it is obvious, but I've fallen for it.. if you think a battery might be flat, measure it WHILE the circuit is connected. Many a flat battery looks 'good enough' until you suck some current.
I still think this is an earthing caes, though.