Members in this forum

Started by aron, May 28, 2004, 05:56:04 PM

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Aled is my real name and i play guitar for a punk band  :twisted:

As for editing posts for typos, when submitting a post i always click "preview" and read through the post before submitting it. Although tbh i don't think most ppl mind about a few typos in forums, as long as the content of the post is worthwhile . :lol:


I know that some message boards just put a time limit (say 5 minutes or 15 minutes or something) on post editing. Maybe that would solve the problem?


I'm not a fan of censorship.  Leave it be I say.

I do not shy away from my part in the "delete this" thread, but by the same token, I did manage to bring the guy back down to earth by the end. I blame it on the response conditioning I received at Usenet electronics groups.

I received flack from one person at one of these Usenet groups about my pseudonym.  He said I had no cred. because I was hiding my real name.

I cannot understand this for one second.  Why?

You want a real name?  How's Nick Minchin grab you.  Bill Laurie.  Alex White.  Shane Stevens.  Walter Richardson...  take your pick, I made them all up in 10 seconds.

Except for a couple, Nick Minchin is a politician in Australia and Bill Laurie is a cricket commentator, misspelled!!

I think it's pretty easy to spot the fakes, and you should take EVERYTHING you read on the net with a grain of salt anyways...

Just for the record, my REAL real name is Steve Marshall.  A quick google search on my moniker, and the third hit reveals my real name.  I ain't hiding from anyone!
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)



I think that thanks are due to most of the people posting above and especially Aron and Peter, for maintaining such as a good forum, AND providing an ethical framework for it.  Our self-censorship seems to work very well.    Excellent thread.  This stuff needs to be out there and discussed.

I think that the high level of respect on the forum and the relative lack of problems is remarkable given the range of people and amount of communication here.  It is a real credit to Aron and Peter (and us).  THANKS :D  :D  :D

One technical issue about editing posts: I'm sure that many of my old posts don't link to anywhere anymore.  When I update a schematic or PCB on my website, I create a new jpg and the old one is deleted.  It would be great if we could upload the jpg files (or would that overload your server?).  Updating the links doesn't really help because the new image is out of context with the text.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


I persoanlly don't like the idea that people can edit their posts.  I believe people should stand behind the thigs they say.  Right or wrong.  I do think there are reasons a post should be deleted.  Having a mod that archives changed posts that only admins can access is a good idea I'd say.  

I would like to add though, that in a community of over 1000 people, there are only a very few bad apples.  Not a bad ratio by any means.


Usually, i just read through my post before i send it...
But i think that idea of samuels is a good one, having a time limit on how long you have to edit your post, so if you make a fatal error, you can quickly change it...
Alex Fiddes


somtimes i mis-type my links and img and stuff like that, so i like to edit it...
I think that having edit is a must... it would be really frustrating to not be able to fix those kinds of errors.

My name is Leon Bruce... I choose Sic because it is latin for "Here" ... its something short for Sic Profundus... Here Lies...

Sic Profundus was used for epitaphs (tombstones)

I orignally had Sic Profundus De' Odium (Here Lies The Hatred) as a D&D dark elf necromancer a few years ago...

my e-mail addresss is Odiopopulis AT hotmail DOT com

odiopopulis is latin for "I hate people" (loose translation)

I never concidered that people wouldn't give you "cred" for having a screen name...

Do you realize how many people in the world have the same name?
If we all used our real names and nothing else, there would only be a certain amount of people allowed, which in, and of itself, would really defeat the purpose of having a diverse crowd of people pooling their information and knowlege...

just my 2cents

Mark Hammer

First, I will verify that RG Keen *does* use his real name.  I've known him as RG since 1990.  The acceptance of mere initials as a 'name' is one of those "Texas things" that, quite frankly, I don't pretend to understand, but I just accept (I have a buddy from Tennessee who was christened "Bobby", and always has been "Bobby" but folks write to him as "Dr. Robert..." because they can't bring themselves to call him something that feels so familiar.).  I still feel a mischievious desire to refer to RG as "Commander" Keen, in reference to one of my favourite platform adventure games from the old DOS shareware days. :lol:

Unfortunately, at least some of the handles are forced upon people because they can't use their actual name within a given service.  There are pl;enty of things I've tried to register for where attempts to use "mhammer" as a login ID fail because it is already taken. Of course, once you can't use your real name, or some contracted version of it, all bets are off, so one's natural inclination is to opt for something outrageous enough to be easily remembered...mostly by yourself.

Other than the ever-present "anonymous" over atAmpage, my chief gripe about handles and non-use of names is that good threads should feel like conversations, and I have a difficult time incorporating "It's a bit like shlong48 said, although if you look at fnrgg821's mods to a-oogah's circuit..." into a thread/posting and making it feel like a conversation.  Having said that, I do appreciate those of you who make a point of signing postings with an actual name when the handle is a little wacko or tongue-in-cheek.  It does make life easier and allows me to treat you as real people with solid ideas, rather than merely sources of text.  I get to respect you as opposed to just reading you.  Personally, I *like* respecting folks.

I started a thread on anonymity and net behaviour over at the Ampage open forum a few months back, that was originally prompted by a radio conversation I heard with Stewart Brand, one of the people behind the Whole Earth Catalogue, "The Well" in the SF area (the first on-line community), and one of the forces behind (a VERY nifty idea and site, check the current featured debate between Brand and Brian Eno) among many many other things.  His main contention was that anonymity tended to bring out the worst in people in an on-line environment, and I tend to agree with him.


I don't have a problem with using my real name, I just enjouy the "handle" thing that the internet provides, kinda like the 'ol CB craze back in the day.

My name is Brad Burt, I like to use "RedHouse" as my 'nym.

I used to use "Bradster" but someone else started posting with that 'nym (on other forums) and the person was being quite mean and getting into spats with folks, so I chose the 'nym "RedHouse" as nobody was using that.
(it's my favorite Hendrix blues tune)

Fret Wire

Redhouse, don't worry about your handle. It's the content of your posts, and how you carry yourself, that matters. Check the member list, over 3/4 use psuedonyms. As I pointed out earlier in the thread, there are many reasons one may or may not use their real name. Other than one person's slight that we all must be ashamed of what we write, no one has touched upon the various reasons to use a handle other than to offer apologetic explanations. No need, this is DIY Pedal Forum, simple as that.

Some here are respected completely, others just for their pedal expertise. As always, those that want respect must command it. This still the internet, with all the good and bad that goes with it. Proper interaction between people in person should carry over to the moniter, not visa versa, if you think about it. Some people may have become too dependant on talking through keyboards. But, one good thunderstorm is all it takes, and your back to dealing with people in person. A scary prospect for some out there, apparently.

One form of editing that no one touched on is the quote function. It's basically used for two things. One, to pull something of interest out of a longer post to question or comment on. The other is to quote out of context to bolster a point of view or serve an agenda. We're all guilty of this. The media does it all the time. Personally, I like it. It's nice to be able to pull a value or spec number out of a long post for further discussion. Very valuable. Think about it when you sub-quote this post.

As far as the poorer uses of the quotes, when you find yourself in someone else's small world arguing or justifying yourself, it's time to take a break. Life is too short for small people and their small thinking. Pedals are like money, there'll be no extra room in the coffin for either when it's time. No need to get too exited about it compared to the larger scheme of things in life.
Fret Wire
(Keyser Soze)


Don't have to worry about me, I can't figure out how to edit, I'm a guitar player.
Stomping Out Sparks & Flames


QuoteOther than one person's slight that we all must be ashamed of what we write,
QuoteThe other is to quote out of context to bolster a point of view or serve an agenda. We're all guilty of this. The media does it all the time. Personally, I like it.
Interesting juxtaposition, I thought.

If you happened to be referring to my prior post, you might want to read it again and think about what it really said.

If not, it's still an interesting juxtaposition.  :)

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


Quote from: WGThickPresenceHey, this is my real name.  

I love this place and think Aron will have to REALLY screw up to not end up in Heaven.  People need to be kind, there is enough BS in the real world and :lol:  I don't come here for that.  XCAPE  8)  :D  :oops:

Thanks to those that have taught me so much and Moutains of Joy to all.

Yes, I've had a few drinks.

I totally agree with this statement, effects are not my business so I see no reel point to using my real name, besides the fact that i'm mostly using this forum as I "unwind" from a day of warehousing hi-voltage power supply parts and equipment, so i probably have a few beers in me, and one should not be tinkering with electricity if one is impared, then again i have made a few posts that i was embarrased of! re-reading them afterwards, they seem a tad on the mean side, even though they were not meant to be mean I quickly ADDED a post to appologize, leaving the "offensive" post to be re-viewed by all.
I figure you can't change the past, just learn from it!
except for a few obvious members i would imagine you should gather up every ones imput on your questions and then find out on your own what works and what does'nt, there has to be more than one right answer to every problem, it's just up to the EXPERIMENTER to figure out how and why, besides there are many excellent experiMENTORs available to everyone here! it's such a beautiful thing! thanx aron and pete.
my last name is sodemann
another reason why I don't use it!
"It'll never work."


see i made a slight error:
when i said "except for a few obvious members"
I meant the members that have MORE than proven their comprehension of how and why every thing works!
"It'll never work."

Tony Forestiere

Tony Forestiere

My real  8) name!!!
1/2 Sicilian, 1/4 Hungarian, 1/4 Heinz 57, WITH a french surname! Born in Cleveland, Ohio; been in Virginia since 1976 (and love it here!).
"Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together." Carl Zwanzig
"Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future." Euripides
"Friends don't let friends use Windows." Me


These posts make me want to recite Shakespeare,

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Ok. Ok. I'll stop there. The point is this forum is an amazing place to learn about effects building , but it  is a bit of theater as well, and everyone can play a part. I enjoy the pseudonyms, it seems like just a bit of fun to me.
Of course caution should be observed when dealing on a personal level anywhere.

But this seems like, Much Ado About Nothing. :D Sorry I couldn't resist.

Fret Wire

RG, that was your post I was refering to. I mentioned it in passing to another formite, because, while it was of no consequence to me, it obviously was to many members, who subsequently posted and felt the need to explain or apologize for their psuedonyms. Your "voice" is highly respected on this forum. And in that context, such a simple, but sweeping statement, was going to be taken as a condemnation of sorts for those who use psuedonyms. And the ensuing posts did show that to be true. You can't be naive enough to think it would be taken otherwise. Of course you could expand upon it directly as it relates to the members who use psuedonyms, and that would be clarified. Or not. I believe I read it well enough.

On to quotes: Here's what I wrote:

Quote from: Fret Wire
One form of editing that no one touched on is the quote function. It's basically used for two things. One, to pull something of interest out of a longer post to question or comment on. The other is to quote out of context to bolster a point of view or serve an agenda. We're all guilty of this. The media does it all the time. Personally, I like it. It's nice to be able to pull a value or spec number out of a long post for further discussion. Very valuable. Think about it when you sub-quote this post.

Here's how you sub-quoted me:

The other is to quote out of context to bolster a point of view or serve an agenda. We're all guilty of this. The media does it all the time. Personally, I like it.

Quote from: RGInteresting juxtaposition, I thought.

Interesting yes, but it's your juxtaposition :)

I brought up the quote function to hear other's ideas on the topic. There was no ensuing discussion, but you did give us a live-fire demonstration on quoting out of context! I pointed out that there are two basic uses of the quote function. By leaving the beginning of my paragraph off, and ending it on, "personally, I like it", you quoted me out of context to give the impression that I enjoyed misquoting people. Hence, your juxtaposition became my apparent one.

All in good fun, though. :twisted:  I have an evil sense of humor also. In a paragraph about quoting, I could have easily wrote that one line differently, but couldn't resist leaving it there, as well as the line about sub-quoting me. One line begs to be quoted out of context, while the other gives slight trepidation to those who might. This is still more enjoyable than OT's about politics or religion.  :wink:
Fret Wire
(Keyser Soze)


First I thought to use some kind of a nick-name to cover up my Slavic background and long, hard-to-read (forget the pronounce) name.
However, the forum is friendly, and most of the people that are here are cooperatively-tuned, so to say, rather than want to argue with you about matters of doubtful relevance, as it happens at many other forums.

On the question of degrees of control over the users of the forum.
*bare(bear/beer/bore) with my English. :)
I used to moderate a few forums in the past, when I had a night shift job as a security guard. Here are some observations, done over the course of almost 2 yrs.

Most of the internet forums, have 4 distinct stages of development-extinction.
1) few people that share same ideas and came to know each other very well. Later those become the main contributors to forum.
2) more people register. They come to know each other very well too, but come from different backgrounds, thus some disagreements start to show. Most visitors still contribute to forum and forum is still quite uniform in it's content anddedication.
3)many many people, a sufficient portion of which just reads the postings and cointributes very little/nothing to the forum. At this stage forum is more of a playground for people who are bored/pissed/angry, rather than an internet meeting-talking place. This phase is also characterised by many irrelevant or insulting post by anonimous or unknown users.
4) Formation of groups within the forum. Normally this leads to segmentation ofthe original forum.
I beleive that our forum is shiftin into stage 3) right now. At the time of writing of this post there's a 1561  :shock: registered user on this forum. I know that this community expands worlwide, still, this is a HUGE numberto have control over. Even more so to give freedoms to edit their posts to. The word is not a bird, as we say in Russia. If you let it out, there's nothing to hold back after. (Crude translation of a proverb).
Humans tend to value apologies more than the deleted post, so I'm pro-truth, rather than pro-peace here.  :twisted:
I know that this is a "special" forum in a way. Not that it has to take a school-bus, but it is dedicated to a very limited and narrow topic. Thus we may imagine that people who communicate here are already united by some common goal that may prevent arguments and misunderstandings. However, the things we discuss have a monetary potential for some, while present sheer pleasure and musical advantage to others. I guess this is why people have to be deprived of a right to edit-delete posts. There should be a proof to something said and done. After all, I never saw a deleted post at AMPAGE. And they had a WAY WORSE monkeys-throwing-feces-at-each-other ritual over some "forbidden" schematics there. That topic is still there. I guess the author doesn't feel sorry for what he said. However it can serve as a lesson towards the ethics of the forum. An exaple of how NOT to communicate.

In any case, this was not meant to be a finger-pointing enertainment.
I do like this place, I became what I am in music electronics largely because of it and I feel thankful.
Let's keep it polite, friendly and together.
Happy builds to all. :D
Constantin Necrasov


Quote from: Constantin NecrasovFirst I thought to use some kind of a nick-name to cover up my Slavic background and long, hard-to-read (forget the pronounce) name.
On the question of degrees of control over the users of the forum.
*bare(bear/beer/bore) with my English. :)
The word is not a bird, as we say in Russia. If you let it out, there's nothing to hold back after. (Crude translation of a proverb).
Man, if english is your 2nd language, then you must speak the holy living crap out of Russian!

BTW, anybody ever tell you that you look a bit like Todd Park Mohr  of "Big Head Todd & the Monsters"? I could see you doing 'Broken Hearted Savior'.

Yes, people have told me I look like "Meatloaf", but I think they mean the dish, rather than the artist.




In my early days of music-listening I listened to Sum 41 or something similar for yonks thinking it was Blink 182.... Guess I was wrong :P

My reason for using a semi-pseudonym is because
A) I don't like people calling my folks at night telling them that I done something wrong or whatever
B) It looks cool
C) I use this name for everything, and have done so for the past three years
D) What's in a name? ;) :mrgreen: What he said.... haha lol :mrgreen:

Sorry getting carried away here....
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.