Can I arange someone to ship me a BS170 for some $.

Started by sir_modulus, May 29, 2004, 07:01:53 PM

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I need a BS170 and seeing as I am only 14 I can''t order online. My local electronics dealer only sells them in 100's for $60 and well.........ya. Could someone ship me a BS170? How much would it be? and if possible could it be shipped like mail? that way no duty and no real cost?



Are your parents/guardians against what you are doing? I'm not looking to get into your personal business, but as a father, if my son wanted a few $ worth of electronic parts versus what a lot of teens get into, I'd gladly help him/her out. Have you talked to them about what you're doing? My son plays a bit of guitar, but his A.D.D. won't allow him to concentrate well enough to build anything. I'm sure one of us would be willing to send you a bit of stuff, but I've got to tell you, the more you get, the more you'll need.

Feel free to PM me to put together a little pack of stuff for you.



You might be able to get a substitute for the BS170 in your area, like the 2N7000.  Check the pin-outs though.