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Is This Legal ?

Started by Torchy, June 01, 2004, 09:57:54 AM

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We could be real assholes and turn him in. But then again that would be really well and truly evil :twisted:
I don't like Holland. Nobody has the transistors I want.

Mark Hammer

Is there a possibility it would be confused with the real deal?  Likely not.  The low-res PCB layout on the component side is a pretty blatant difference between this and a "professional" product.  Besides, can you even begin to count the number of fairly clearly professional production models that purport to be just like the 808 but better?

D Wagner

Quote from: SamuelPerhaps worse, though, in a that JD SLeep's PCB I spy in one of those pictures?

Wow....what a blatant rip-off!  The guy is too lazy to make his own PCB layout, and ignorant enough to show it off in such a manner?

Go get him JD!


To me the real unethical issue is using Albert King and Jimi to sell a TS clone! Albert would have just squashed a TS with his thumb and gone on playing. And Little Wing with a TS?! <shudder> Geez, it's bad enough that people think that a TS will get them *SRV* tone, just because he used one in front one the fifteen or so amps he was using!

Kerry M


The funniest thing about this thread- The good probability that the perp (legal jargon) is reading it! Its not like theres a huge population of builders on the web. I found thie place within hours of starting my first build, so Im sure hes lurking... Hell some of you may have offered him help.



He may be talking with you now, will the real clone head step forward and take his PUBLIC LASHING with unexzubirated Zeal,
Formerly Known As John Davidson


not to stir it up more~
but doesn't that  look alot like JD Sleeps (GGG) ts-808 layout? PCB pirating bothers me more than stealing the ibanez name..

edit: whoops! i guess ishould have read all of the posts 1st.. sorry!:oops:
be well,

Dan N

Methinks components on foil side = etched the damn pcb backwards!

Only just yesterday I did the same thing.


You know what we say in Texas,{ NEW YORK CITY} { GET THE ROPE}
All Jokin aside, The Ethic's if doing such is not a good Idea, What if you looked on the webb and saw one of your Idea's being sold to the public,
I don't think you would like it, same with some of the guy's here that ask you not to post thier work, I don't blame anybody for protecting thier rights as a designer, we were shooting a PBS  tape in Lubbick Texas and we were filming the Tour Buss coming in on Buddy Holly Ave. never noticed it but there was a hand painted scene of B/H and the Cricket's on the side of a resturant, I had to go over and get a hand ritten permission agreement with the artist to keep from getting sued for infringement's,
Someone should be nice to the guy and warn him, He may not know !
Artist Formerly Know as John Davidson
8)  8)  8)


Is there any legality with using the Tube Screamer name to sell a PCB?
JD does just that.

What about say taking a PCB layout and deriving another from it or even straight copying it and then selling that derived PCB layout as your own?
Isn't what the Phase100 at JD's site is?

Sorry JD it isn't anything personal I just think you ought to give the same respect to Jim Dunlop that you expect people to give to you.

Don't you think?


My international legal team has contacted the seller and he has ceased and desisted.  Seems to be a reasonable guy, I guess he just didn't know any better.

For great Stompbox projects visit


That's the best possible outcome.


Nice looking box....but the board looks kind of odd.

Check out the Supersized version:

Some of the leads don't appear to go through the center of the pads, and what's up with the snow-white color?

No offense intended to the builder, should they be lurking; I'm just ever curious about build techniques.


Could be either perfboard or the 4ms pedals "glue layout and reversed layout to either side of a piece of cardboard" technique for using a PCB design without using a PCB....



Yes, I walk a fine line.  A few of my layouts are _very_ similar to the originals.  Everyone should keep in mind that I'm only talking about copyright of pcb artwork here, that is the issue.  Even though those layouts are similar, they are not the same artwork and were drawn by me from scratch.  I know this sounds ridiculous but since it is original artwork, I'm claiming my own copyright.  I do feel this is a dodgey practice and I will work to redraw or remove these few layouts that I have that are similar to originals.  BTW,  a German company has done this to Scott Swartz with his PT80 and AD3208 PCB designs, and is selling the PCBs and boxes with no regard or acknowlegdement to Scott.

Someone else mentioned my use of trademark names:

Yes, I need to review my site for use of trademark names and acknowledge the names as trademarks were needed.  Maybe think up some catchy "original" name for each of them as R.G. does on his clones.

JD Sleep
For great Stompbox projects visit


i like his aluminum knobs :-D

Im too cheep to buy them.  Perhaps i should splurge on my next pedal :-D


on the topic of renaming your projects/pedals..

it might be a cool to come up with a few new names for each pedal, and post  "polls" so the forum users could vote on the names of your projects..

it just might make for some really fun/hilarious interactive threads..

jus an idea tho..
be well,


Wow this pedal is so wrong on many accouts, but it can be fixed. I'm sure  ODScreamer or something like that is better than your title. Secondly, try to do something better about the board. Either pay JD some liscensing, or make your own layout. Make the pedal higher quality. Get a sturdy box and a stompswitch, not toggle, otherwise noone will buy other pedals from you. Thats my advice, and yes, as it is right now, your pedal is illegal.


"The seller ended this listing early because of an error in the listing. "  :lol:

Just for the record I only noticed the item, it aint me selling it  :o


toggle switch on a stomp box?  Major bad.

Multi-voltage wallwart?  asking for trouble.

Shonky soldering, have a look at the wire links on the PCB just above and below the 4558!  And that's just the obvious shonky!

Input/output on the wrong sides.

He/she has a fascination with capital Ts.

QuoteIf their not up to the job they go straight in the bin.

No wonder they're charging so much!

nitpicky enough for ya?
Shrimp down the pants!!!
“It also sounded something like the movement of furniture, which He
hadn't even created yet, and He was not so pleased.” God (aka Tony Levin)