mxr distortion 2 schematic

Started by scaesic, June 30, 2004, 09:27:11 AM

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so the A from the transistor conencts to pin 5 and 6 on the analouge switch? and likewise with B?
each analouge switch symbol connects to 3 points, and most of the points dont say which leg they are . any ideas?

really thankful for all the help so far btw.


I've redrawn the schematic as I would build it here :-

Might be worth one of the experts checking this for mistakes (dont think there are any though ...  :oops: )

Vs is half supply voltage (7.5V) for biassing NOT 15V.

The op-amp in the power supply is being used as a current regulator (I think) to ensure 1/2 supply voltage (Vs) under load. Note that the +15v is the supply for the op-amps (+ to pin 8, 0V to pin 4 - use the supply gnd ie the triangles, NOT the chassis gnd). Chassis (box) gnd is only used for the

    In & Out jacks
    Pot R22
    LED gnd[/list:u]

    I assume the diodes are 1N914/4148 except the powersupply, which would be 1N4001 types for the full-wave rectifier. Using a
regulated wall-wart you only need the voltage divider network R26/R27/C21 and U4b.

Hope this helps  :wink:


thats a lot of help, i planned to do it at some point :roll:  ,but iv got exams coming up.


I assume you mean the >> symbols and the logic gates. The logic gates are just a way of using a spst  footswitch. The way Ive drawn it replaces the gates with a switch. I'm actually going to breadboard this at the weekend coz a couple of bits of the circuit have piqued my interest.....  :wink:


cool, but surely a dpdt is much simpler? did they not exsist in those days?

tell me how the bredboard goes, im going to draw up a pcb on my computer next weekend, so if your breadboard goes well i can start the build.


ok, i think i know what that analouge switch is for, its some form of protection for the circuit, i think im going to include it, i had worries that a dpdt might "click" when you switch it in that arrangement anyway, after reading the parts list theres an explanation of each pin of the chip, and comparing that tot eh circuit i can work out how to arrange it all.

i hope this all works.

oh yeh, one more thing, that schematic you drew torchy, are you sure youv got all your earths the right way round and everything?