do any of you ever circuit bend?

Started by el duderino, July 09, 2004, 02:20:22 PM

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el duderino

you can keep my finger nails clean


its something iv always meant to get into.
something i might get into a bit more once iv finished my degree.

i think id be more into circuit bending a few toys and sampling them into my pc, or using them as live tools, rather than anything else

el duderino

i did it today for the first time. i used a small baby toy that makes noises
i added a switch that when on increases the pitch and makes the frequency go crazy i also added a jack so i could plug it into my amp. 8)

i was thinking about sampling it aswell :D

you can keep my finger nails clean


yeh, taking a speaker out is always a good call.

baby toys are usually the victims :)


i do, when i have time and i get board. i like to make crazy new instruments too. :twisted:
      - tom


I used to but I got tired of it. There is only so much you can do to a toy or a keyboard. My favorite would be the Coleco Talking Teacher where it had the ability to speak in two voices yet different pitched at the same time! God that was the coolest thing, especially if you can lock the phoneme at a particular moment and enable that, you'd get these wild chorusing sounds. My most intense build was a Vss-30 sampling keyboard that I managed to yeild 42 switches, sadly enough I ran out of room!


Unconventional...Nothing Wrong with it, gets old when the thing sparks one too many times and dies.
 Tonebending on the other hand, Yesterday I did that for a good long time, I turned the bias down just so it fades a bit, CCW, or the side that fades slowly, loading  that into the tube.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


well , i guess it all has to do w/ your vision of musick. i've got an old rack unit that is going to go........... south of heaven..........
      cool to all,
              - tom :twisted:


I would probably get hours of fun from say, a bent Speak and Spell and a delay. The closest I've come is mutating a Casio SK1 via stereo FX. I bought  my Tech 21 GT2 used years ago, and it had a habit of breaking into *UFO Landing-like* oscillations stemming from a dirty drive pot. It took me years to finally get around to spraying DeOxit into that pot and *curing* it. But I wish I could have made it switchable! I just check to see if shorting out any of the drive pot terminals with my fingers does it. Then I could just bring *pads* out via some little bolt heads. If anyone less lazy than myself wants to try this... :wink:

Kerry M

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I guess we have all done "accidental" circuitbending  :shock: :oops:


what is it ??? looks interesting  :o
Give the mule what he wants

Jason Stout

Quotewhat is it ??? looks interesting
mugan, go here==>
Jason Stout


I guess I unintentionally did some early 'circuitbending' over ten years ago. A surplus electronics company sold a sound effects board with some instructions. I wired it up with some old keys from a defunct computer and it makes a plethora of really wierd noises, some musical, some very much not. My son used to play with it when he was a toddler. There are some very cool 'alien voices' effects, plus many things that I cannot believe were intentionally programmed into the chip.

I must go and dig it out.


Jason Stout:  thanks for sharing the URL...what a great site...


i really want to get into circuit bending and keyboards

i want to get hold of a few keyboards, bend a few of them (hopefully i can get some casio sk-1's are they are supposedly a good target) and keep a few stock to play with

i also want to get hold of some cheap guitar stuff, basically anythign really cheap and nasty like zoom multis, or other useless and nasty sounding fx, then have some fun and see if i can create anything cool

i cant remember the url, but do a google search for circuit bending (or similar) and you should find a few cool sites, with simple instructions on how to give it a shot



mm looks big fun! I'll try it, i just have to stole some toys at some kid around..... mmmm :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
Give the mule what he wants

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

One oif the commonest 'bends' is a pot (as variable resistor) in the power lead, this can change pitch.
Now if you drove this by an envelope follower (like using the led/ldr in a compressor circuit) and you had the noisemaker looping, then you could have a lot of fun, in a World War III kind of way....


That's how I got started DIY'ing.  Last year I rehoused a couple of pedals and decided to take my chances bending some.  Here is a Boss SD-1 that can do all kinds of wacky stuff:

I added the 5 mini-toggles and one pot.  Lots of feedback options, octave options, odd fuzz options.
I am noob...

el duderino

that looks really cool  :wink:

here is another site to check out

you can keep my finger nails clean