Limit a pot's range?

Started by markr04, October 02, 2004, 04:21:47 AM

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I'm sorry if this has been posted before, but I searched and didn't find quite what I was looking for.

I have a 100K linear pot that I would like to limit the high end to 80K or so (0 to 80K). I know how to limit the 'floor' (resistor in series), but not the 'ceiling'. Is this possible? Can it be done such that the pot's rotation still works across all 312 degrees (or whatever the range of rotation is)?

Thanks so much!
Pardon my poor English. I'm American.

The Tone God

You can stick a resistor of what you want the max value to be across the wiper and end. Be aware this may affect the tapper of your pot.

More can be found here:

The Secret Life of Pots



I stick resistors across lugs 1 and 3 of pots fairly often.
 Use a DMM, put a knob on it, stick it in something [cardboard etc.] and mark where all the way down, all the way up, and halfway settings are.
 for a 100k pot, use 100k or less resistance across the pot, from wiper to outside lug etc., mess with the values and see what you're getting on the DMM with the pot settings.
 To get a higher series resistance froma pot, [this raises the lowest resistance] you can splice a resistor from and outside potlug to where it's connection was.
 With a 100k pot the max 'range' is 100k...add a resistor to an outside lug and your range starts at 100k and goes from 100k - 200k.
 It's more complicated when your'e using 3 lugs of a pot.
 If you have an example of a pot, with the taper you want, even if it's not the right value, you might be able to figure out how to adjust a pots taper by looking only at the %ages as reference...[where down, up, and middle etc. fall in the tapering equation values...%age comparisons wise].
 I've done some of this, and used notes...
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thank you both very much for sharing your knowledge. I'm going to try it this evening.

Pardon my poor English. I'm American.