Help me to realize my project!!!!!

Started by Holdme, October 15, 2004, 06:27:20 AM

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Hi, I need to build a triple loop bypass box with 3 loop (A,B,C so 3 switch) and then other 2 switch (AC and BC). In this way I want to have two loops ( A and B ) independent among them and one loop ( C ) that I want add both to that A and to that B with just one click when I play songs.

To make you to understand better I give you an example:
-in the loop C I connect delay, chorus and tremolo
-in the loop B I put the distortion and the wah wah
-in the loop A I connect an overdrive and a boost

Now, for example, I want to play a song where:
-during the intro I need only the distortion
-It continues with a bridge where I use at the same time the overdrive and the delay
-then i have to use both the delay and the distortion

So with the \"magic box\" that I want to build I can \"turn on\" with a simple click (on the AC switch) both the overdrive and the delay. Then I can pass thanks to the switch BC to the combination distortion/delay in one second!!!!
The assumptions that I think are important they are precisely that:
C can disactive A, B, AC and BC (so, everything)
B can disactive A, C, AC and BC (everything)
A can disactive B, C, AC and BC (everything)
-BC disactive A
-AC disactive B
So (hoping to have explained me clearly) I have some questions for you:

-in your opinion, is it possible to connect one 3pdt (in this case the C one) both to A and to B?

-What are the components I need?

- what schematics I should follow (that one of an ABY box, or an AB box...?) and what alterations I should do?

Please, let me know your impressions. :roll:
Very thank\'s


Let me know when you've saved this cause I'm not gonna leave it up very long. This gives you 3 loops with an led indicator for each.




Quote from: Doug_HI think he's looking for "preemptive switching"- activating one loop preempts the other 2.
What about arranging the 3 switches so you can hit 1, 2, or all 3 at once. Just takes a little creative tap-dancing. Plus, this one's a piece of cake to build in a 1590BB.