Tenny Bit 'o Phunciness

Started by petemoore, November 22, 2004, 12:40:03 AM

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 PHuncgnosis, with questions about diode...
 The 'middle' diode, in circuit, reads a threshold of 1.6, the other two measure around .84
 >>>New diode, replaced bad 1M input pot.
 All the wiring seems to verify using multi tasked DMM, and usual methods. I found a few things that Looked 'Phunky' and changed them.
 Now I have OA biased looking, ~1/2v V+'s and Grounds all check.
 The left side of the OA, tho, doesn't seem to be feeding past the diodes end lines,  are 'up left and left' as per schem. The three diodes test at proper threshold for Si's.
 I get just a little sweep now, when plugging into the 'secondary input' marked 'in' on the schematic, of course with the left side of the OA not buzzing when touched, the 1M input does nothing.
 The signal seems to be getting lost across the 50k. I suspect somehow theres trouble[s between there and the first OA stage's output, I tried another 1uf, tested the dioes...Hmmm...
 2 day stumbler...
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