dissolving paper for PCB toner?

Started by Paul Perry (Frostwave), December 25, 2004, 07:08:30 PM

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Paul Perry (Frostwave)

I have heard there was a product TEK200 that was a toner transfer system based on dissolving paper. So, you print, iron on, and then soak the paper to dissolve it off.
Apparently there are some hobby aids (in the embroidery field) that use dissolving paper... so if anyone knows anythign, or does some experimenting, please let us know!

BTW, I don't know what a "dry mounting press" is, but allegedly they are 1. expensive (very likely) and 2. great for ironing on PnP or the like.




Not sure it s more likely to be a kind of T-shirt transfer.

A way to short other article claimed to be from 1993.

I ve not yet found other people using it for PCB.

I guess I ve to search some more!

Keep on soldering!
And don t burn fingers!


I hadn't heard about dissolving paper, but I just did my first PCB and I used an iron.  It came out GREAT!  It involved photo paper that I got at Staples (I had to order it online since there aren't any Staples stores in town) and a laser printer (we have those at work).  Very easy, all things considered.  Got the info here:


Bear in mind (and it says this in the article) that not just any photo paper will work, and that you can't use an inkjet printer to make the transfer.  Get those two problems out of the way and you're set!


Didn't it have to be paper containing gray clay?
In some cases early fotopaper Epson contained
gray clay in the part that looked blinky well....
that made people call it glossy??
Keep on soldering!
And don t burn fingers!