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The OT forum

Started by aron, January 01, 2005, 06:36:58 PM

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Feardom of information...not necessary IMO.
 Words can't hurt you unless you let them.
 "Smallpox" will be on FX, doesn't sound all that entertaining, and I think the trailer tells the basic tale...'I'ts all true, it just hasn't happened yet". I think I'll forego exposing myself to that program...not that I don't believe the trailers  'story', I just didn't want to have to see it on TV...yet. I understand the scenario, just don't particularly have a taste for it.
 But this kind of thinking and technology does exist, perhaps if we just look the other way, we'll be better off...'What you don't know cant hurt you'
 If we 'sleep through' the events that shape our world, we may not like what we see when we 'wake up'.
 Perhaps we are better off letting the Mass Media filter/decide what information we should see?
 The more internet places that disallow open discussion, the less people can form their own views...I'm seeing alot of 'heavily saturated distortion' on mass media news, movies, events and general programming.
 Fighting for free flow of info is a good fight IMO.
 Joke: According to our math, we get 9, and you get...2....[better than nothing or death eh?].
 'Pay or Share'...
 When viewing a partial picture, and failing reading between the lines, double standards may not be seen...who doesn't understand this?
 I am aware, therefore all is as it should be.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


i agree totally. i come here to learn more about building and fixing fx. i already know how strange the world is. this is a great forum for information exchange. i'd hate to see it diminish.

Paul Marossy

Quotethis is a great forum for information exchange. i'd hate to see it diminish.

My feelings, too.


I'm generally with gez on this. When a bunch of people with an-off-the-wall interest like building guitar effects boxes get together, there's a good chance that they'll have other interests in common - playing guitar; listening to music; building electronic gadgets not music-related; messing with organs and synthesizers; dumpster-diving; marvelling at e-bay idiocy; sharing daft jokes; etc. etc. It strikes me that a 'lounge' is a place for like-minded people to get together and explore these other interests that they have in common (or disagree about).

Of course, there will be some who walk into the party, get obnoxious, start fights, throw up on the carpets, and then walk out because they hear something they don't like. These people are called BORES and we're better off without them. Others wander from conversation to conversation to find a place where they can contribute something positive. This way, we can get to know each other better, and learn whose views and opinions we trust, or at least agree with, most.

As with TV, we have the opportunity to change channels, switch off, or write a letter of complaint. My personal view is that life is too short for the latter.

In summary: keep the main forum for effects building, keep the overspill in the lounge, and ruthlessly move threads from one to the other as moderators think appropriate. My tuppence worth.


That's silly to me.  If it's OT, it's OT.  People can become aquaintances on the internet and can want to talk about things other than the hobby they share.  As of now, I have the complete option to filter all of that out by clicking "building your own stompbox", so there's no problems whatsoever.



I myself fell into that whole Macy's thread, and in light of all that, I do not think that making the lounge music-related is all that bad of a thing.

The last thing I would want to do is cause someone to be upset enough to leave (especially if they have been here longer than I).

On the other hand, I agree with Paul, and I (personally) have no problem with any type of discussion; but, unfortunately, you then run the risk of people getting bull-headed with one another, and a lot of folk do not take that well.

Myself included, as that is human nature.  Whatever we believe is the "right" way, and we thumb our noses at the rest of the world if they don't see eye-to-eye.  I think that almost anyone has been guilty of this attitude (not just here, I mean anywhere), but I try my best to not be like this (daily), and I hope I have not put that attitude across to any one of you.

I am grateful for this community I have stumbled upon, and would hate to see it crumble over a few comments that may not have translated well into type (whetehr they be mine or anyone else's).

That's my input, anyway.


Kind of ironic,
An off topic thread about the off topic forum :?


If it were only true that everyone could converse without getting riled up about certain OT threads and yet be friends in the other forum, that would be great. Unfortunately I do not believe this is the case. As I said, several people have left - everyone is valuable here, it's really bad when people leave because of an OT thread.


Sorry Aron,
I was meaning my post as a joke, just in case tension was building. Hope you didn't take offense.
Only thing I can really say about the off topic forum is, if somebody is verbally instigating something, the best thing everyone else can do is just ignore the thread before posting out of anger and encouraging it .
I know, I hardly every take my own advise :roll:


Quote from: aronAs I said, several people have left - everyone is valuable here, it's really bad when people leave because of an OT thread.

As far as I'm aware it's usually the ethics threads that send people packing and they tend to start in this forum, not the lounge.

Anyway, not my decision is it?  :D
"They always say there's nothing new under the sun.  I think that that's a big copout..."  Wayne Shorter

Marcus Dahl

I tend to stay away from political and religious topics, but have been known to get into a few. I personally don't have a problem with them as long as it's understood that it's a discussion and not a slamming session. People here tend to be civil in those debates, and can often find more about their friends in those discussions. I find it nice to have that release with people that you are familiar with weather it be a good joke, about a new car that a member may have gotten, or the arrival of a new family member. I think that we are all intelligent enough to know when not to offend somebody, and we should remember that we are all friends and stomp boxes brought us all to the same place. Everybody has a curiosity of what someone thinks on a certain matter. That's part of what makes us human, and one of the reasons we all came here to begin with. I will say that no matter what the out come is I will accept and stand by Aron's decision.
Marcus Dahl