What are these small blue things? cap or resistor?

Started by SM, January 09, 2005, 04:46:06 PM

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I’m trying to mod an effect that has several recognizable components (Op amp, resistors, elyts, ceramic caps, resistors etc). The board also has several small blue components and they are marked with numbers like 103, 204 etc. Like this but blue

When trying to prepare room for another component I had to (carefully) remove one of these small blue things and I did destroy it, using very little force.
I thought it was a cap and tried to replace it with a SM without success.

What are these things? What does the numbers mean?
Any info is greatly appreciated.




So it IS a cap - I thought so. Grazie Mille!I tried a 120 pf SM - no wonder it didn't work...
How do I decipher the code - eg. 203 = 0.2uF?
