DRASTIC HELP NEEDED!!! - Tweak O Tone mod

Started by disto, January 24, 2005, 04:13:13 PM

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i just start building my second tweako i was unhappy with the fact when the distortion level was turned down on my old version the sound became very bass heavy i decided to rebuild the pedal including a millenium bypass and the tone circuit ripped from a bigmuff... i built the circuit and tested it however no sound can be heard from my amp i cranked up the amp volume and you can just about hear the guitar i thought about it and can only thing the signal needs boosting after my tone and before the effect volume....

can anyone suggest what i did wrong?, how i could fix it? or how i could install a adjustable tone circuit into the original tweak o....

i have loaded a rough circuit diagram here - http://lifeofpainband.tripod.com/tweako_mod.GIF

R11 is a 1k and R3 is a 470k pot apart from that there all correct...

Peter Snowberg

Welcome to the forum disto. :D

I am going to guess that your problem is with your bypass switch wiring. Are you using a DP3T switch?, and if so, could it be rotated 90 degrees?

Look in the FAQ forum (there is also a FAQ section and a direct link to the FAQ section at GEO.... all are worth reading :D) for a post called "audio probe". It's a fancy name for a cable going to your amp with the ground connected to your effect ground and the amp signal input going to a .1uF cap with a probe on the other end.

You should be able to follow the audio through the circuit by checking at the input jack first, than at the switch, then the effect input and so on....

I'll still bet the switch is it. :D
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